Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 125

Today was a success. As you know, I live life on my own terms and I don't judge the success of my days based on other people's opinions. Although others should be listened to and learned from, in the end, I decide if I was successful or not. Success and perfection are two different things, so I don't want you to start thinking I have perfect days, but in general I can find something in every single day that points to success; even if it's just waking up! Today was successful beyond just being alive.
Nancy having a successful day 125 at work. Taken with LG9 Smartphone (note to self: Use iPhone for pictures).
There are crazy little things I do each day to help me keep a laser focus on what I desire most out of life. One of them is to review two statements that I wrote some time ago. One defines what I desire most out of life and the other describes what I'm willing to give to get it. At some point I will share these two statements in the blog, but that is for another day. Just let me say that every day is a success for me when I write. Nothing brings me more joy than writing this blog, in a diary, a story or some business document. I love writing. There is nothing productive I'd rather be doing than writing, which is saying a lot since I could also eat bread for the United States and win gold if it were an Olympic event! Success in life is important for every human being. I don't believe anyone wants to be a failure, but failures are important and each of them along the way are teaching moments. So, even failures are success! Wow!! See how I did that? You weren't ready to hear that, but it's the truth. It's what you do with a failure that makes the difference. Don't stop. Don't ever stop. If what you desire in life is still what you desire after a failure, then stand up, dust yourself off, make clear note the teaching moment and go at it again.

Food today was okay, not perfect, but okay. I had a typical breakfast sandwich that I've come to enjoy and a lunch of a cup of soup and half of a sandwich with lots of veggies. Supper was leftover nachos (sounds crazy, but they were good and made with ground turkey and low-fat chips) and I enjoyed every bite. My plan is to use My Fit Foods and frozen meals to get back on track next week. That will start for me on Saturday, as I will replenish supplies then. The portion control is what I miss most. I will eat everything that's in front of me, simply because it's there. I don't want to do that, so I have to control what is in front of me. The pre-portioned foods are best for me.

Exercise is also an issue. I'm getting my sleeping habits settled and now I need to get the exercise settled again. There is just so much to do! I've given up cooking, which has given me back lots of time, but I've put all that time to use.  Now I have to figure out what I have to do to get that essential exercise in there. I know I'll figure it out, because as Napoleon Hill says, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." I believe I can eat right, exercise daily and feel great! Therefore, I can achieve that! Maybe since I haven't set up statements of success and what I'm willing to give to get it, about this eating and exercise thing, that's the reason I'm experiencing repeated failure! Hmmmmm....I have to think about that. I've always used the success/investment statements for desired business/financial success, but maybe I should be applying that to ALL of my life! Hmmmm...I'm thinking...and no, it doesn't hurt!! Cut that out!!!

So, I'll leave you thinking about what I'm thinking about. For now it's time for me to clean up and lie down and read some more of a favorite book, sleep and start it all again. Until tomorrow, when I will probably have another great day, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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