Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 128

What a lovely weekend! I drove to Temple, Texas today to pickup an item ordered by a nameless person in my life. It was such a lovely day I had a great time driving and listening to big band music on the radio. It was GREAT! The weather was HOT today. It got up to 90 degrees so, if you're having fall like weather, just remember us down here. We're all over the place with the weather. One minute we're freezing the next we're baking in the sun. I wouldn't be surprised if people start to get sick from the weather fluctuations.

Since it was a full day with driving and such, I didn't do some of my normal Sunday stuff, but I did cook.  Made a big pot of soup, which I'll be eating for lunch this week and baked chicken (game hens) and rice. Yummy!! I think I've really been missing cooking! I'll probably be cooking more and I just have to stay out of the kitchen and not eat such big portions.

I am slightly disgusted with myself about eating. I've eaten WAY too much this weekend. Tomorrow is another day and so I'll do better, but I wonder sometimes if I ever will truly solve my problem.  Although I fail, I will always keep working at it. The work is too important to me to ever give up again. I'm tired and want to get to bed, so I'll leave you for now. Until tomorrow when I know I'll have more to say **smile** sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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