Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 131

As you can tell, I've done a bit of redesigning on the blog site. Lets face it, I get tired of looking at the same old thing. So, we have a new look and feel. The new aesthetics gives me more flexibility and photos and videos stand out better. One of the things I'm working on is how to get the embedded YouTube videos to be visible on tablets. I'm scratching my head over this one, but I'll get it figured out. Until then, if you're using a tablet and you see a big open space in the middle of the blog, there's a video there and you will have to go to a computer to see it.

One new thing I've added is my Instagram postings. They are in the right sidebar at the very bottom. I'm newly into Instagram, but I love it! I hope you like the pictures I'm sharing there. Be sure to go over to Instagram and follow me...if you like, that is! No pressure!! **smile**

Today was a fun day completing the annual recertification of my company's business ethics and corporate code of conduct. A necessary evil, I know. Whenever I have to do something like this I know that people ahead of me messed it up and so that's why we have to go through that work. Why can't people just do the right things? Is it just too much to ask?

Besides being a FANTASTIC day at work, day 131 was just down right fun. I took some coworkers to lunch as my Thanksgiving gift to them. I'm very thankful to have great people to work with. The day was full of laughter and fun and I'm glad I got to experience it. Dinner tonight was leftovers from last night and I had just one serving which I portioned out last night. It was perfect. I just have to stick to that going forward. I really think the eating thing just needs to be uncomplicated and sort of invisible. I want it to be where no one can tell that I'm watching what I eat, or how much I eat. Normal sized people don't do anything they?

Exercise was not present in today's activities. Yes, I regret that, but tomorrow is another day to get it right. I want success with this renovation, but I also have so many things that I want to accomplish at the moment. Focus is what I lack, but I'm not certain focus is possible with so many things being important. You've heard it said that, "If everything is important, then nothing is," right? Well, I think I'm experiencing that at the moment! Lord, give me patience with myself! I will get this the end!

Now it's time for me to go prepare myself for rest. I've earned it and need it tonight. I should have done laundry again, but I didn't, so tomorrow will be a creative day of figuring out how to dress myself for work with the limited number of clean clothes remaining in my closet. I think I have it all worked out in my head, so we'll see how it works out in reality! Keeping my closet 'lean' has it's down side. **smile** So, until tomorrow when life will deal me a hand like no other and I'll force you to read about it, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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