Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 122

Hey, there! It has been a GREAT day here in Central Texas. Today was Veteran's Day and to all the men and women who have served our country and given so much to ensure our freedoms, I say, "Thank you! From the bottom of my heart." Like most families, my family has veterans, but my father was not a military man at all. He served briefly in the Texas National Guard in the 1950's to avoid the draft. They discharged him rather quickly; probably because he was a pain in the a**.

It was so nice to be at home today. This was my last day of vacation and I wanted to use this time to just get back into sync with my surroundings, do the mountain of laundry that I brought back from Las Vegas and do something I haven't done in over 4 months, cook...a little. Yes, as you may have read before, I love to cook. Unfortunately, I also love to eat. This time though, the cooking is all for the boys. I didn't have time to go to Central Market and pick up their favorite, chef prepared quiche, so I needed to make this myself. I purchased the necessary ingredients and have baked two sister Quiche Lorraine's. This is their favorite variety of quiche. Here is what they look like:
Yes, that is a frozen pie crust. I'm sorry, I'm not perfect and I knew I wouldn't have time to make crust, so shoot me! They smell pretty good for an old girl who hasn't cooked in 4 months! I've still got it and yes, I enjoyed the cooking, but honestly I think I'll let the chefs do it for me. I want to eat every bit of those quiches sitting in the kitchen! I guess I'll never be any different than I am right now.

I was able to sit outside for awhile today, but the mosquitoes again, drove me in. I spent the better part of the afternoon watching a couple of old movies and folding laundry. I also, did and re-did my nails. They are okay and we'll see how long they last. The "Kiss Me, I'm Hot in Vegas" nails lasted the whole trip! I didn't get a chip until the final travel day and I thought they looked great. The secret is to be so busy you don't have time to pick at them. Yes, I'm a picker. When I don't have something to keep me busy, my mind goes wandering, my hands start picking and my feet get restless. When I'm busy, I don't have time to think about all that. Needless to say, I try to keep busy. For the most part I'm successful, but just let me start day-dreaming and poof! I'm off picking at something again. Honestly, I'm hopeless!!

Okay, well that's enough of my nonsense for today. I need to wrap up all that's going on here with the laundry and get myself into bed as I go back to the office tomorrow. Have a lovely evening!! Until tomorrow when I'll WOW!! you with another look into life with Nancy, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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