Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 14

Wah Who!! Let's here it for day 14!!  Whoop Whoop!!! Okay, enough of the silliness. No, I am NOT wiggling. :) I am just happy to say that in a mere 2 weeks I've made real progress and am doing fine. I have great energy and am learning great things about myself. It's just all good! I may not be anywhere close to making a goal, but everyone has to start somewhere!

This was a mixed event day. I had great morning and mid-day meals from MFF. Lunch was a mere 270 calories and I was honestly satisfied with it. Tonight though, I took people to dinner. I didn't do TOO badly, but my tacos were made out of 'fried' tortillas. I took my coworkers to Lupe Tortilla Mexican Restaurant. It was delicious and I did enjoy it. When I left, I was full, but what I wasn't, was stuffed. Here is what I had:

Shrimp Tacos 2 of them (no cheese!)
Beans and Rice

The meal was really nice. I thought the service was great, wait time (they were very busy) was short and the food was hot and arranged very appetizingly on the plates. Yes, of course, I ate every bite. The taco shells were fried, but not crunchy. These are considered 'puffy' tacos. So, like the meal I had earlier in the week, I would consider this a 'cheat', but not the end of the world. Usually, I would order cheese enchiladas and other high-fat mexican, so I thought the shrimp tacos was a good alternative for me. Am I justifying? Maybe, but not so that I can eat out and cheat all the time. I do not plan to eat out or cheat like this frequently. I am usually able to control my business meals to a rare occasion. This was just an odd week. Also, I have officially given up the 'every-week-cheat' on Sundays. I reserve the right to a cheat, but I DO NOT want to cheat every single week.

Tomorrow I will go and pick-up my next batch of MFF meals to cover me through Tuesday. This time my selections are with a bit more intelligence, since I've tried so many options. I was very surprised at how much I liked one of the breakfast options I was sure I wasn't going to enjoy. Funny how you never know until you try something! Even being able to read the ingredients and see the meals, it is easy to assume you won't like something, only to find it's really delicious! So, I will purchase a few things that I'm not sure about, just so I become sure that I either like or dislike the meal.

I took advantage of the night out tonight and put on my smoky eye makeup and false eyelashes. I had so much fun taking my day makeup to night makeup! Someone should take me out at night more often! (Hint, hint...) As I age, the smoky eye makeup is getting harder and harder to pull off. My eyelids are not as smooth as they once were. :) My son informed me that he doesn't like the black around my eyes and my husband was silent on the subject. I do not mistake silence for acceptance here. I know his opinion well and it isn't one of 'like.' Okay, I guess I'm the only one who likes the look. I'm okay with that. What was it that Ricky Nelson sang? "You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself."

That's it for today. Thanks for checking in on me and look for me back at this same place tomorrow; Same Bat Channel; Same Bat Station! Now, what made me think of that? Sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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