Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 6

What a great day! I may still be dealing with the effects of somewhat painful sciatic nerve pinch, but it was no less a great day. When it comes to the experience of a day, I am a firm believer that you get what you expect. I woke this morning with a great expectation of enjoyment and alas, I had just that!

Eating was a bit off today. I ate a larger breakfast than planned (I was trying to use something up and get it out of the house). I am changing my food purchase plan for next week. This will help me to not have to go through the experience I had this morning where I was faced with food that I either needed to eat or throw away. Throwing away food is just bad; really bad. I will avoid that at all costs, so I have to make sure these things are not in the house again. The rest of the meals and snacks were as planned. I'm still happy with the day. I'm not a machine, after all!

Against all temptation I have avoided, once again, the desire to take photographs of food. I will have to find something else to photograph for the blog. No telling what I'll come up with. I continue to work on a plan for exercise. I need that more than anything. Walking for now is good enough and gets me started.

Looking forward to the weekend. Until tomorrow, have a lovely evening, Sweeties!

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