Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 2

Hello! As I start this posting it is a bright, shining Sunday and I've been up since 7:30am. That is sleeping late for me! Usually my day starts at either 4 or 6am. It really depends on when my meetings start on any given business day, whether I'm traveling or not and what is on my plate for the day. Today, I have laundry and fun on my plate so sleeping late is okie-dokie! I'll write on this blog throughout the day and post it after I've eaten dinner tonight. So, in a way, this will be a kind of 'day-in-the-life' blog post.

I had the oatmeal breakfast I've planned for the upcoming week and to be honest, I think I have to change the plan. Although I love oatmeal, I think I need to have food in the morning that isn't sweet and I like my oatmeal a bit sweet.  Also, I was disappointed at the lettuce at the HEB yesterday, so I have no salad for my supper for the next few days. So, I'm modifying the plan for Monday-Wednesday to the following (I added calories and about what time I'm going to eat these, but don't get used to it!):

  • Breakfast @7am - A scrambled egg sandwich topped with low-fat cheese, a little mayo and one link sausage (This is about 350 calories).
  • Snack @10am - 1, 6 oz. Fage Fat-Free Greek Yogurt (140 calories)
  • Lunch @1pm - Two bean and cheese tacos w/some kind of salad or vegetable and a piece of fruit (420 calories).
  • Snack @4pm - 1 granola bar pack (180 calories)
  • Dinner @7pm - Spaghetti squash topped with shrimp and sauce; a piece of fruit (242 calories)
  • Snack @I-Don't-Know pm - Smoothy (240 calories)
  • Total calories=1572 (w/out the smoothy=1332!  Not bad!!)

Last night (day 1) I didn't need the smoothy, so I'm hoping that continues. The fact that the smoothy has to be made might deter me a bit, since I can get where I run out of time in the evenings. When I have stuff that has to be done and need to get to bed, I don't even think about food! Weird, but true!! I like the yogurt and granola bar snacks, mainly because they are easy and again, portion controlled. The tacos were easy to pre-prep and the 6 tacos that I'll need for my lunch Monday-Wednesday are already prepared and in the frig! The salad will be an issue.  I don't see a problem with the spaghetti squash as that cooks in the microwave really quickly and the sauce is jared and the shrimp are prepped and in the freezer.  I will add 8 shrimp to each meal.

Today is my free meal day, but I'm sticking to plan except for dinner. I want my free meal to be dinner tonight. I haven't decided what I want, but I know that I don't want to prepare the meal myself; I want something different...I think...I don't know yet. As the blog moves along I'll figure it out.

I got a snapshot of my snack that I'm eating while I'm writing this. Although it is almost noon, I'm having my snack instead of lunch. I'm not sure I'll need a full 'lunch' today since I really do want something special for dinner...just don't know what...hmmm..... While I'm thinking about that, here is my morning snack:

One thing that I've been thinking about is using a food service for my meals for awhile. There is a local company called My Fit Foods ( that I'm considering using for a few days to see first, if I like the foods and secondly if the cost fits into my budget.  It isn't cheap, but if you check out their website you'll see that everyone who eats just My Fit Foods, loses weight and has more energy.  Well, that's what I want, so maybe it is what I should do.  I don't know yet. I'm still researching. Since there are My Fit Foods kiosks in my local grocery stores, I may just go in and buy foods for one day to check it out and see what I think. I'll blog about it when I do it. It will definitely be after Wednesday of this week!

Okay, so much for the 'I might not eat lunch today' idea! My husband made me a picnic of one of my favorite foods (to get it out of the house), which is HOT DOGS!!  Yummy!!  Here is my little picnic eaten on the front porch, true picnic style!!  The Real Ale Hans' Pils beer is his!!

These are my favorite Nathan's Hot Dogs on HEB buns with HEB 2% Sharp Cheddar, Whataburger Mustard (our grocery store now carries this mustard and it's GREAT) and Best Maid Pickle Relish. I added a small serving of Tostitos and some black tea in my official Starbucks tumbler.  It was DELICIOUS!! Yes, okay, this should be my cheat meal, but it isn't. This is a 'get it out of the house' meal. There may be some more of this in my future. I don't think the boys are going to get any more hot dogs as I don't think I can buy them and not eat them. Hot Dogs may become my official cheat meal, but only time will tell. We're only on Day 2, you know!!

I've decided that my official cheat meal this week is a P. Terry's Hamburger Stand, Burger and Fries! I ordered the Chicken Burger and fries.  Here is what it looked like:
We again ate the meal picnic style, as a nice cool front came through and made it a real nice evening for eating alfresco.  I don't know the calorie count, but the chicken burger has to be less calories than the double burger the boys had!  Fries aren't my favorite kind of potato, but I had some anyway. Great cheat meal for the week. I can honestly say that I'm ready for what the next week will bring. For now, I'm off to fold laundry, give myself a pedicure, clean my make-up brushes and get ready for bed. When next you hear from me it will be Day 3 and I'm ready for it to give me all its got! See you later, Sweeties!

1 comment:

  1. By the way, I didn't need the snacks this afternoon or evening! Progress!!!
