Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 16

A little slice of heaven; paradise on earth. That is what this weekend has been. The weather was SO nice yesterday I was left speechless (no small feat). Today started out warmer, but the clouds are rolling in and out, so we'll see what happens. Since we have added more 'stuff' to our little outdoor slice of paradise, I've taken some more video. Here is what I have:

Sorry the video is so shaky...don't know what my problem is except I'm a terrible videographer! You get the idea anyway. I'm also slowly loosing my voice, so no cracks about sounding like an old man or a frog!

I took some still shots of the seating area and made a little collage:
Some different angles on things. That HUGE tropical in the back from the video that I didn't know the name of...I searched online and found that it is a type of banana plant. I've never seen any fruit and it started out as a house plant that someone bought for us. When it died, or seemed dead in the pot, we tossed it out there to decompose, but instead it took root and grew. Year over year, it dies back to the ground and comes back to what you see in the back of the picture in the middle of the collage (to the right, back). A beautiful plant.  I love it!

I also took some video of the Purple Martin family that flies around eating mosquitos.  Love them too!

Just in case you're interested, I take all my pictures with a Panasonic Lumix 8x Optical Zoom and 14 mega pixels camera. I also took the videos on this particular blog with the same camera. I have an additional video camera that I use and I'll shoot the next videos that I upload with that camera.

While at the HEB yesterday I bought myself some long stemmed roses. They had all kinds of colors for $5.99 per dozen.  All of the colors were beautiful and I wish I could afford to buy them all, but narrowed it down to just one dozen of what they called 'Black Red' roses. I have taken pictures of them, but my collage app isn't working right, so I'll figure that out and put the collage in tomorrow's blog. I love roses and am not afraid to buy them for myself.

Food has been great so far (MFF today for every meal) and will for the rest of the day I'm sure. I won't call myself a 'reformed' overeater yet, but the day will come when I can. I will not do a cheat today. There were cheats earlier in the week and I'm not really interested in eating anything other than the MFF meals I have in my fridge. It is just SO nice not to have to think about food. I'll probably stop writing about food...some day...maybe.

The rest of the day is devoted to laundry and fun! Wish you where here!! Until tomorrow, happy trails, Sweeties!!

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