Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Documenting Progress and Celebrating Success

The idea is to lose weight, increase energy and stamina and improve overall health. As I stated in an earlier blog there are several areas I'm specifically targeting: Eating, Exercise, Thinking, Skin and Teeth. Here is what I know so far:

  1. Earlier this year I visited a Dermatologist. I have several skin conditions that are not nice, but they are now being treated appropriately and I can say I am definitely doing better in the skin department. I will never be 'cured' of my skin issues, but they are being properly treated now.
  2. I have great teeth; strong and generally very healthy, but they aren't very white. I will be doing some whitening on my teeth later this year.
  3. In the area of thinking I am consciously stopping my negative self-talk and working to think that I 'can' change instead of being defeated by I 'can't,' thinking. This will probably go on forever.
  4. There will be a plan for exercise, but I'm still working on that. This is a most important area, along with #5.
  5. Eating! What can I say? If eating were an Olympic event, I'd win GOLD for the US!! This is my first target. But the results of better eating habits and exercise are what I want to document along the way.
The scale is a very poor tool to use to document results. My body weight naturally fluctuates up to 5 lbs. in any given day! Plus, as I lose weight, I want to also build muscle. From reading I've learned that it is actually muscle that will improve my metabolism and help me keep my weight down forever. I've also learned that with less time investment each week doing strength training I will be able to lose faster and forever! That's for me!! The thing is, muscle weighs more than fat, so I can't use the scale to judge how well I've done. Yes, the scale will be helpful and I've weighed, but I won't weigh again until I believe I'm in my maintenance phase. Then I'll share what the actual numbers are, along with pictures to show the physical results.

So, what am I going to use to help me know I've been successful? Clothes! When I recently redecorated my closet I let go of a lot of clothes in smaller sizes, but I kept some. What I've done is broken the next year down into 6 progress segment (one every other month). Each segment is represented by a different clothing item or outfit that I will need to be able to fit into properly and wear. Here are the segments and the outfits I'll be working with:
  1. September 2013- Black Dress (size 22/24)
  2. November 2013- Jeans and Green Burn-Out top (size 20/22)
  3. January 2014- Red Jacket (Size 20)
  4. March 2014- Exercise Shorts/Skort and T-Shirt (Size 18/20)
  5. May 2014- Work Polo Tops (there are two of these) and Jeans (Size 18)
  6. July 2014- Black Pants and Peplum Top (Size 16/18)
I realize that these clothing items don't mean a THING to you, but trust me, they will help me see how well I've done. My goal is to try on the outfit on the last day of the month stated and take a picture of myself in the outfit. In order to log success, I have to wear the outfit out! Here is how I will celebrate success:
  1. September 2013 - Trip to the Chanel Store for a new lipstick.
  2. November 2013 - Somebody has to take me out on a date!
  3. January 2014 - Extra weekend visit with my sister!!
  4. March 2014 - I get a weekend trip to the beach, like Ft. Lauderdale!!
  5. May 2014 - A pair of cowboy boots!
  6. July 2014 - I get an iPad Mini! (Oh, boy! I really want one of these!!)
So, I have to work hard and at each 2 month interval I'll measure my success by putting on the applicable clothing item and if it fits appropriately, then I wear it out. When that's done, then I get to celebrate. If I can't fit into the item, then I reschedule the segment for another date. That will make the other segments move forward. I'll update the plan if/when that happens. I'm motivated not to let that happen. I really don't want to have to come on this blog on Day 80 (September 30 - End of Segment 1) and tell you that I didn't reach my goal. I want to write a GREAT BIG celebration blog showing how I look in my Little (okay at size 22/24 still really BIG) Black Dress!

Yes, I will be taking pictures of what I look like right now...this weekend. I dread this, but it has to be done and posted so I can get on with making it all better. I'll also take pictures of each clothing item/outfit on the goal segment months. I tried to take some pictures now, but clothes with nobody in them don't photograph very well. :)

The changes I'm making now are lifestyle changes. These don't happen over night, but the weight will come off and I will sleep better, feel more energetic and healthy. All this plan is supposed to do is keep me focused and motivated. I want to get into these clothes and I want to feel better; like I did when I lost the weight before. Then, I NEVER want to forget what it took to feel good. As I've said before, "Nothing tastes better than losing this weight feels."  Good night, Sweeties!

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