Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Redecorating a Closet Part 2

It took a bit longer than I expected to finish the closet and it's not completely finished now.  The floor still needs to be replaced with the laminate, but that can wait until it's cooler.  The painting and new closet system setup went fairly quickly.  The only issue during the process is the shelf that I originally purchased to serve as the resting place for frequently worn jewelry and perfume was a SAD excuse for a shelf.  It was replaced with the glass shelf seen in the photographs.  Also, it took me weeks to decide on the light fixture.  The original design called for a small chandelier, but I couldn't find what I wanted.  Then one day shopping on, I found THE fixture.  It immediately made me think of the 1960s and I just LOVED the 1960s!  It was modified for me to add the pull chain and there you go!  a huge improvement on what I had before.  My sister called the old light, "A light bulb for a prison cell."  It was in a cage, you see.

Here is what the closet looks like now:

The painting seen hanging on the wall is just there temporarily.  Yes, it's a painting of me.

The paint color used is Pleasing Pink A34-2 by Olympic.  After painting the closet and while it was still empty, the pink was reflecting off itself and was SO bright I was sure the color choice was a mistake.  However, when the things were added back into the closet the color really settled down nicely.  The closet system added to the back wall is much more efficient than the original rod that was against the longest wall.  The system is made by Rubbermaid and was very affordable through The cost:  less than $70 US!  On the really small wall near the door a decorative hook in the shape of a Dragonfly was added to hold my flip flops and as you can see in the next picture the light fixture is just adorable!   (Excuse the yellow looking door frame.  The bathroom light is awful!)  The new closet fixture creates a great pattern of random light circles.  I just LOVE it!!

The clover shaped stool was always in the plan and another purchase via  When it was all said and done the remodel investment was just under $200 US.  The closet has been mine for 30 years.  It was shabby, dingy and just an awful place to be.  Now, I go stand in it, look in the mirror and  bask in the glow of the pink!  I didn't think it was possible, but a closet can be a happy place.

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