Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 12

Twelve days? What?? This means I've been focused on being healthy for almost two weeks and I'm feeling great! Something else, I'm also NOT hungry. That's right! The bottomless pit of constant hunger is NOT, REALLY NOT, hungry. Way to go!!  Whoop, Whoop!!!! Okay, this may not be a big deal to you, but it's HUGE for me. Ask any one; I am ALWAYS hungry. Pardon me, I WAS always hungry, but I'm not any more. And honestly, I never want to go back to being constantly consumed by food ever again.

So, today I had three MFF (My Fit Food) meals and I loved every single one of them.  These were ALL 4 face meals!  Here is what I had:

  • Lemon Turkey for Breakfast
  • Almond Crusted Chicken for Lunch
  • Blazin' Cajun Shrimp for Dinner
I added fruit to Breakfast and Lunch, ate plain non-fat greek yogurt with a small amount of frozen sliced strawberries for a snack. Really a good, portion controlled day.

Why I love My Fit Foods Today

  1. I did not have to plan the meals I ate today.
  2. I did not have to shop for the groceries for the meals I ate today.
  3. I did not have to stand in the kitchen for hours to cook the meals I ate today.
  4. I did not have to get home from work and FORCE myself to cook when I didn't want to.
  5. I did not have to throw away food today.
  6. I did not have to worry about cooking food that temps me to eat too much.
  7. I did not have to LOOK at a frozen meal package! (YUCK!!)
  8. I did not have to worry about what I was eating being the right size portion.
  9. I did not have to worry about the food I ate being full of preservatives and additives.
  10. I did not have to THINK about food, AT ALL, today!
Oh, happy day! I'm just so glad I have the support I need here to use MFF for as long as I want...forever would be nice. I don't know if I've lost any weight, but I sure do feel great and that is what it's all about.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and I hope you are, too! Until then, have a lovely sleep.  Night, night, Sweeties!!

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