Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Days 18 and 19

So, yesterday I CLEAN forgot to write my blog!  What the heck is wrong with me? I sat at my computer fiddling around last night while watching a movie (something I do when I write...sometimes) and kept thinking, "There is something I'm forgetting to do." Well, I remembered while I was in the shower this morning trying desperately not to cry while straightening out my left leg. What a mess this hip and leg are becoming! I guess I'm going to have to go to the doctor. RATS!

There wasn't a whole lot to talk about yesterday. Work is an area that I learned a LONG time ago, is all in the head and heart. If you have a heart for your work and get your head right (i.e. I make things as easy or hard as I like) then it always GREAT! Attitude is very important and I choose my very carefully when it comes to work. I love my work, company and coworkers, full stop!

Eating continues to be on a great track. I find myself being satisfied for longer periods of time now. As long as I'm busy, I don't even think about food. Conversely, if I run short of something to occupy my thinking, I do run to food in my mind...still! So, I'm working on ways to combat this. I started making a list (surprised?) of all the little things I can do if food starts popping into my mind. I'll share the list when I feel I'm finished. (Yes, you've been saved from a list today! Aren't you special?!!!)

I'm preparing to make a quick trip to see my sister on Friday morning. I'll be on the road from 5am Friday morning until about noon on Sunday. We always have a GREAT time together and no, we aren't about to cut our visits short! As I've said before, we alternate visits and it's my turn to go to her. I can't wait! I miss her so much. I think I'd be lost if it weren't for my sister.

Well, there isn't much more to say. I know I'm doing well as I've moved the hooks on my bra over to the last space this morning! I expect that within the month I'll be able to move to the next size down. That is real progress and I'm really feeling great. These are baby steps, but I don't care. I feel better every day. Now, if I could just get this hip fixed. Anybody got any quick hip fix-it stuff? I'm getting sick of this!! Okay, it's time to walk on the does make it feel better to get exercise. Wish me luck!! Until tomorrow, have a sassy evening, Sweeties!!

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