Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 13

The days are clicking by! There are points in my life when I want the time to slow down and then there are moments like this. I'm doing well and I want to experience the results of my work. I want to slow down, but I want results quickly. This time around I'm working to learn to enjoy the journey and not be constantly looking ahead to my goal points. It's hard not to want to see results, but I don't want to miss the more subtle results indicators that come from cleaning up my habits.

One thing that I knew would happen and I've just been waiting for, is that clean feeling. That's the only way I know to explain it. It is a distinctive feeling I get when sugar cravings are gone and nutritionally my body is getting what it needs. The last time I lost weight it took me more than 2 weeks to feel this way, but I can honestly say that today, day 13, I feel clean. I'm not craving salt or sugar (I've been controlling salt intake over the last 13 days, as well as sugar), my portion sizes are where they should be, I'm eating a diet balanced with good carbs, protein and the right fats and best of all, I'm satisfied...truly satisfied! Maybe it's because I want my health back so much, but honestly, I have to be done with eating bad food, big portions and empty calories. At my age, this is getting harder to deal with and I have things I want to do! The fat is just in the way.

After a week of telling you about My Fit Foods (MFF) I can say that this will be how I eat for as long as MFF will let me. I don't have any desire to cook as long as I don't have to. Okay, I'll scramble myself an egg now and then, but putting meals together, no...I'm not doing it. I love my family and they know that I do. I don't have to cook big meals for them anymore for them to know I love them. In fact, it's killing the whole family, me doing that, so I HAVE to stop it right now! So, thank you, MFF! I LOVE YOU!! Go to their website and read up on them at

This will have been a tough week for me when it's all over! As you recall, I had a business dinner earlier in the week (Tuesday) and now I have another one Friday night! When I eat out, I'll provide a photo of my plate so everyone can see what I end up eating. This should help keep me honest. I like to make sure I know I'm not fooling anyone! I hope the group of people I'm taking will not be interested in a place that serves nothing but fried food! I've pretty much felt like I could eat anywhere except a fried food place. Fried food is just bad...really bad. I'm afraid of fried food. Fried food is now my kryptonite!!

I'm off to enjoy the evening. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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