Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 1 of 365, to a Better ME!

Today is day 1 of 365, where I focus on exchanging my life for a more healthy variety; one that I truly desire. There are 5 areas where I want to improve: eating, exercise, thinking, skin and teeth. As you have read, I have allowed myself to go back to old habits and if I do not change them, they will deprive me of my life. Yes, I've done this before and was stupid enough to go back to old ways of eating and not exercising. I know that this time I have to change my thinking in order to make the improvements stick, for good. At the same time, I want to improve health and appearance of my skin and teeth. So, here goes!

One of the things I know will help me stay away from extra food is to blog daily. There could be reasons why a blog isn't published on a day, but with good planning it will be fine. Writing will occupy me sufficiently and give my hands something to do. Also, I've learned that I cannot watch 'food' videos. I used to watch cooking shows on PBS and loved watching videos on YouTube, but these just make me hungry and crave whatever is being cooked in the video. Put on top of that the fact that I really love food and like to cook and it's like personal sabotage to continue watching this programing. So they go!

I promise to share pictures of what I'm eating, what exercise I'm doing or whatever will help me share what I'm doing to improve. Here is what I had for dinner tonight:
I love shrimp and it is an excellent source of protein for a person who wants to lose weight. 
It was hard to do this the last time around and I'm scared that it will be even harder this time. It's better for me to admit that I'm scared. That way I can face my task head on, without being encumbered by my own stupid thinking. Remember, I have to change my thinking!

The next step is to start exercising. This will be walking in the beginning. I have a treadmill, which will help since the temperature here is over 100 degrees daily this time of the year. The only problem at the moment is my hip/lower back. When my sister visited me last week, I made a little mistake and thought I was suddenly 16 again.  The two of us were dancing around the bedroom to a really great song and somehow I did something to what is probably my sciatic nerve.  Now I have excruciating pain in my left hip that radiates down my leg into my calf.  In the prone position I'm fine. Sitting down, I'm pretty good, but when I try to stand up...YEOWWWWW!!  It's very painful.  For now, I'm doing stretches.  I know that actually cardio will help me more than anything, but I won't try that until after the weekend.  If I had kept up with my exercise and not put the weight back on I probably wouldn't have injured myself wiggling around the bedroom!  See!  STUPID!!!

Okay, so for day one it wasn't bad.  My breakfast/snack was all in one and was a piece of Banana Walnut Bread from Starbucks and some Black Tea (okay, not great, but not too horrible least it was portion controlled!).  Lunch was two, bean and low-fat cheese tacos with cucumber, tomato and onion salad.  A snack at about 4pm was an orange and dinner was as you see above:  Mushrooms, Asparagus and Shrimp.  Oh, wait a minute!  My husband brought me an ice cream cone at about 1pm.  I almost forgot eating that!  See!!  I didn't even think about it.  I took it and ate I was on auto-pilot or something.  STUPID!!!  For a first day, not bad and tomorrow will be better.  The food is my greatest challenge so don't be surprised when I'm focused on it.  Next, exercise!  I know I'll have a good plan worked out in no time.  Thanks for stopping by and checking in on me. I can't wait for day 2 with the hopes that I'll be less and less STUPID as time goes by!!  Good night, Sweeties!!


  1. Are you still in pain??? I am so sorry!!! DANG PHARRELL!!! Oh well, I'm sure the pain will subside with some good old fashioned walking. You are not are simply driven by a strong desire for food...just like me!!! It doesn't make us stupid. It just means we are wired up a bit differently than most people.

  2. You're right about that. I am wired up real different! Yes, I definitely hurt my sciatic nerve. To stand up is a real event now. I'll get better. It really sucks to get old!
