Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 11

Lovely day and one where I had to eat out with people from the office. I think I did okay, not perfect, but better than I would have had I not been conscious of what I was doing. Here is what I had the entire day:

MFF Sausage Links and Kale (really good!  I'll eat this again for a breakfast! and only 250 calories!!)
A Medium Banana
1 Package of Pistachio Nuts (in the shells)
MFF BBQ Chicken (probably won't have this again. Not bad, but I'm not in love with chicken.)
Small Orange
6 oz. Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
Cover 2 Hickory Burger (no fries, no cole slaw, no nothing else!) It was just the sandwich and was quite enough. I am still full 3 hours after having eaten this burger!

All in all, I did okay. The MFF breakfast was a 'small' portion and it was okay with the banana. The lunch portion was a medium and more than enough, but just not a great taste for me. I thought the Nugget Nation meal was much better so I'll have that instead next time.

Anyway, I will always have issues with eating out, but I also know that I can get around those issues by just making the best decision that I can. Salad is sometimes a good choice, but nowadays that put so much extra 'stuff' on salads, they are hardly a slim choice. Today, I chose a burger as it like it would be a smaller meal than some of the hefty salads I was observing being served. Also, the salads were either topped with fried chicken (I'm really trying now to get that 'fried' food taste out of my system) or were smothered in fatty dressing. I know, I know, put the dressing on the side.  Really? Do you want a dry salad? I don't really think so, so why even make the pretense of a salad with all that goop on it? So, I ordered a simple grilled beef burger with a little cheese, pickles, onions and hickory BBQ sauce (just a dab!). What I learned is that I could have what I wanted (I LOVE burgers) and just have that. I was really, honestly satisfied. And, I'll do even better tomorrow!

It's almost time for me to visit my sister again. This time it's my turn to travel to see her. We alternate months as we live a little over 200 miles apart. We're trying to do day trips to surrounding areas each time, but I'm not sure where we're going to this time. It doesn't even matter! All I care about is I have her with me for an ENTIRE weekend and we talk and have a GREAT time together. Everyone should have a Gena in their life like I do! No, she does NOT have time on her schedule for any other sisters.

There is actually a funny story about that. Earlier this month when she was here visiting me, we were in one of our favorite stores, Sephora. When we arrived the sales ladies immediately said, "We remember you!" and before we were out of there (over 2 hours later...I LOVE Sephora) they were asking us if we had any openings for new 'sisters'! Yes, WE'RE FUN! We are also incredibly the same in looks and such. When we're out together people always ask us, "Are you twins?" We used to just say yes, but then decided to say no and see how many people could guess which one of us is older. The funny thing is,  the women who get into this conversation with us will generally say, "No, I don't want to guess that!" but the men will fall right into the trap! They will end up looking from one of us to the other, back and fourth, with my sister Gena saying something like, "You better get this right, friend!" or some such nonsense. It is always so fun to see what they come up with. Yes, we're a mess!

Well, that's it for tonight. I'm looking forward to tomorrow! In the words of the great Joe Namath, "I can't wait till tomorrow, because I get better looking every day!"  Night, night, Sweeties!!

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