Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 5

I'd love to say that something really interesting happened today, but it didn't. Average day with rain and work. I ate on target and felt good about what I did. You'll be happy to learn that I didn't take one food picture today! I must be improving. :)

I'm working on another blog entry concerning how I'm going to track progress and reward myself. As you know, I'm trying to make the process this time more fun. It is still hard work changing your habits, but having to do this all over again is so upsetting that I have to do something to keep myself motivated enough to do it one LAST time. The last time I took off all the weight I said I wouldn't gain it back again. I was wrong, so I won't say that this time. What I will say is that I know that THIS time the key will be making sure I have a forever plan. I don't know what that looks like, but my initial thoughts are that it's simple and gets dreamed up all along the way.

I'm reading up on exercise while I'm getting the eating under control. As you read in my Day 4 blog, I'm changing one habit at a time here. Eating is first since that is my BIGGEST problem. So far, so good. I love to read and am really finding some good, thought provoking information. I'll share as I get ready to build my plan for exercising this old body. Yes, of course there has to be a plan! My personal philosophy is, "Build your plan; work your plan." If you don't have a plan how are you going to know what to do? How will you know you have been successful?? How will you remember what it took to be successful??? Yes, I'm building a plan. The other delay for exercise is getting this sciatic nerve thing squared away. One day I'm good; the next day I'm in pain again. I have a positive attitude about it. I WILL conquer the pain!! It may never totally go away and if that is the case, then I'll just learn to live with it. I believe that every ounce that comes off of me has to help it feel better.

So that's it for the update. Thanks for checking up on me. Stick around! No telling what tomorrow will bring! Sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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