Friday, July 12, 2013

Out of Control

Apparently I am living in "Out-of-Control-Crazy" Land.  Congratulate me, because I've successfully eaten my way to almost all the weight I lost back on my stupid body.  I don't know what I've been thinking!  Oh, wait a minute!!  Yes, I do...I am, after all, ME!  I know EXACTLY what I've been thinking and it wasn't, "You don't want that cake!"  Here are the top 10 things that I've been thinking (mentally saying to myself) that have launched me out of control (Oh boy!  A LIST!!):

10.  "You can eat sensibly tomorrow!" (Tomorrow never comes!)
  9.  "You're too tired to eat sensibly."  (Really?  Exactly how are these related, Nancy???)
  8.  "There is too much to do to waste time eating sensibly." (Lame!)
  7.  "There just aren't any quick, sensible eating options available."  (Lame squared!!)
  6.  "You can live a perfectly happy life being morbidly obese."  (Who the HECK am I kidding?)
  5.  "Everyone else is eating Cheesecake!" (Next, I'll be jumping off a cliff with everyone!)
  4.  "I work hard and can have whatever I want...damit!" (Good try!!  NOT)
  3.  "I'll die if I don't have cake right NOW!"  (Prove it!!)
  2.  "I HAVE to eat this cake because it's the last cake that will ever be available!!!"  (Just so you  know, this one applies to Corvettes, diamond jewelry and trips to Hawaii...don't you know!)
  1.  "No one will ever know that I'm out of control." (Honestly, we all KNOW, Nancy!!)

So, now I have to DIG my way out of this mess, yet again and it's not going to be so easy this time. Not that it was all that easy the first time, but I was younger. Yes, I could waste more time coming up with all the excuses for why I left the path of righteousness, but lets just say I'm stupid and leave it at that. As they say, there is no time like the present, so it starts again for me, now.

Last time around I counted every calorie. I'm not in a big hurry and I couldn't do that forever, so I'm not even going to try that this time. This time I'll use what I've learned about portion control and take an lesson from others who say to pre-plan the food so that it becomes a non-issue.  I'm also going to allow myself one meal per week, where I can have what I want and strive to make what I'm normally eating, really what I want.

There are thousands of tips and tricks available online and I'll use the "cherry" method to weed through these.  What's the "cherry" method?  Eat the fruit and spit out the pits.  In other words, I'll try things and what works stays and what doesn't goes, fast!  I've decided to eat three meals and three snacks per day and will space them out as evenly as possible.  My goal is to be able to reduce the snacks to just one, but we'll start with this. For me, I also know that it will be easier for me to buy the food once a week and pre-prep the meals for three days at a time. So, Sunday night I'll prep for Monday-Wednesday and Wednesday night I'll prep for Thursday-Saturday.  Sunday will be my day for a meal of whatever I want. Again, I'm going to be trying to always have things I want, so that I don't feel deprived. I just may have to rethink some of those things. I'm planning to eat the same thing every day for this week because it will just be easier for me to do that as I get started again.  Here is the menu for the week:

Meal Plan - Week 1

Breakfast - Oatmeal with Raisins and Walnuts and Tea
Snack #1 - Plain, non-fat Yogurt w/Frozen Blueberries
Lunch - Bean tacos with lettuce, tomatoes and cheese, a piece of whole fruit and Tea
Snack #2 - A (sensible calorie count) Granola or Protein bar
Dinner - Caesar Salad w/ Shrimp, Croutons and a light dressing, a piece of fruit and Tea
Snack #3 - A smoothy made with milk, protein powder, unsweetened frozen fruit and Stevia

The breakfast will be an easy 2.5 minutes in the microwave.  I'll prepackage the frozen blueberries for the yogurt snack and buy pre-portioned yogurt. I'll pre-role the tacos and portion the salad topping for the lunches and prep the salad for the dinners so that I just have to sauté the shrimp and add the toppings.

I don't have any idea of the calorie counts for the above.  I know what the portion sizes should be and I'll use my trusty measuring cups to help me get everything right. I'll be sure to give an update on Wednesday on how the prep worked and how all of the meals went for me. Groceries will be tomorrow, so I'll share what I ended up with (product wise) to cover the meals. On a side note, I'll also share what it cost to buy the supplies for this meal plan for 1 person for 6 days. Although I'm not trying to save money, it is always nice to know what things cost.

I know I've been here before, but the fact is I'm here again and this is a very bad place for me to be in. I can get out, but I'm the only one who can do it for me. So, here goes! Wish me luck!! Bye-bye for now, sweeties!


  1. If I were just half as smart as you I would be a genius! I am right back in this spot with you and I must admit...IT SUCKS!! However, I am solely responsible for it. If I keep that in mind, maybe, just MAYBE, I can turn it around...FOR GOOD!! Please post your meal plans and how they are working for well as your grocery lists.

  2. If I were just half as smart as you I would be a genius!! I know I have to overcome my food issues, but I also know that they are so strong for me that I may crack up along the way...HELP!!!! Please continue to post your meal plans and grocery lists to help me with ideas.

  3. Okay...postings are going to be FLYING out of me now!!! Reading better be something you like to do!
