Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 17

Marvelous Monday! That is the best description of today. I was able to complete the enrollment process for our son's high school, which I've been concerned about for over a week now. All is satisfactorily completed and I'm so happy to have that off my mind.

There are a couple of changes that have been made around here recently that are having some wonderful consequences. One is that as we move along the whole family is now eating more of their meals as My Fit Food meals. The 'boys' had to be convinced that the meals would be tasty and portions would be enough. They are sufficiently convinced. I'm still eating 3 meals a day from MFF and they are up to 2 per day. The balanced nature of the meals is proving to be a lot more enticing than expected! I've done a list of why MFF makes sense, but we're also adding to the list that there are a LOT less dishes to do using MFF! I'm thrilled with the personal physical results and all the other savings that have come along with using the MFF services. I can't imagine ever being without MFF again!

The other change that is going to lead to an improved experience is the new high school my son will attend starting this school year. He will now attend an online charter school for high school. This will eliminate TONS of wasted time for him and should lead to a better learning experience. He was complaining previously that more than half of each class period is always taken up with the teacher dealing with disruptive students. Without these distractions the learning should be better and more efficient. There are other problems that this solves. No more driving to and from the school and waiting for him to go in or come out. No gas investment and no wear on the vehicle, plus the road will have one less vehicle in traffic, every day! Add on top of that the fact that there are 4,000 other students from our state attending the school, that is in effect closing down a large brick and mortar school and eliminating the costs of running that facility! We are really excited for our son and wish him the best learning experience, ever! So, lots of changes and lots of benefits, but then again, I look for the benefits. 

I promised pictures of my deep red or as they were called Black Red roses and here they are:

Black Bacarra Red Roses $5.99 a dozed from my HEB!
I'm going to spend some of the time I'm saving not cooking learning how to take better pictures! I love photography, but I don't really know anything about it, so I can spend time learning now. Like most people I love many things about life. There is much beauty around me; music, books, art of all kinds, creative people, amazing people who are skilled at saving lives, they are all around me and they are all beautiful. I love life. Easy everyday, it is not, but still, I love my life and I wouldn't trade it with anyone else.

I must do a better job of sleeping tonight, so off I go. Thanks for checking in on me. Stick around for more! No telling what's next. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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