Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 35

In previous episodes, you'll recall I agonized over the food for this day and as it turned out, I didn't need to. It went fine. However, I'm completely bad because I didn't take any pictures of what I ate (which I promised to do...I'm sorry), so here is the list instead...and NO this was not a ploy to write a list, but I should have thought of that! ;)

Breakfast - I stopped at the nearest Starbucks and got a tea ( favorite) and their Bacon and Gouda Artisan Breakfast Sandwich (350 calories)
Lunch - Sushiya Hawaiian Roll (from HEB) (320 calories)
Dinner - Jimmy Dean Delights Spinach and Egg whites Sandwich with Mozzarella Cheese (and I added a slice of HEB pepper ham) (200 calories)
Snack - 1 package of pretzel chips and Laughing Cow Cheese (160 calories)

Total Calories for the day = 1,030 (that's it!) Oh, MG!! I ate out, was on the run and completely UNDER ate for the day. (Excuse me while I 'happy' dance!)

I really like the Starbucks breakfast foods. Calorie wise they are great, as long as you avoid the 500 calorie 'classic' sandwich. I like the one I had and the one with the veggies in it. Sushi is a good option at lunch and I was totally filled up with my Hawaiian Roll. My local HEB does a great job with Sushi and I think I chose well. Those little containers keep me honest and I checked the label thoroughly before choosing my option. I watch the salt and the calories. The thing that is still hard for me is how small a right portion actually looks. Will I ever get over this? Since I was out of My Fit Foods options for dinner, I had to make do and I did fine with the frozen breakfast sandwich (who says you can't have breakfast for dinner?), adding a slice of ham. It was a good day!

I'm still working on getting my son's room ready for school. Dad did all the hard work; cleaning out the closet, painting and hanging the new floating desk. The work area is all set up and now I'm just trying to get new bedding in place to make it look more like a teenager's room instead of a little boy's room. Also, I'm working to get his school supplies in place I have everything, I just need to organize it so that he can easily get to everything. Our son has a tendency to be disorganized, so I want to make this as easy for him as possible to be orderly. Since school is now virtual, I have to make sure that all systems are go with his school computer, as well. They use Adobe Connect for the classes, so I have to make sure all of that is set up. We're all very excited about this new way of doing school. I'm sure he is going to love it!

I'm still working on the carnival video. I should have it done by Sunday night. People don't realize what kind of investment an artist makes in their work. I always think of my videos as art...nonsense art sometimes, but art all the same. Thanks for your patience.

I love that I feel healthier everyday, but I sure do want this fat off me. Day 60 is coming up fast and I'm worried that my pictures won't show how much I've lost. I hope they do and regardless of what they show, I know that I'm doing my best. It will all be okay in the end.

Now it's getting to be time for a walk. I have a new knee brace that should make that a better experience for me. It just really stinks to get old. So, until day 36, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

P.S.  Anyone who knows me well, knows I love nails and nail art.  Here is a video to surprise and delight you. Oh, and it's Chanel, of course! Enjoy!!

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