Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 102

Another gorgeous day for the record books here. The weeks are flying by and before you know it we will be on top of Halloween! I'm really sad not to be able to dress up this year. It just means that while I'm in Las Vegas with my sister, I'm likely to embarrass her in a big way with sparkly makeup. I should fit right in! *smile*

The day was fantastic and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it. I wanted to do some exercises in my office and so this is what I'm doing now about mid-day, right before lunch:
I can easily do this in my office. The link above is to the content on YouTube, but you can also purchase Leslie's videos online from many sources. Check out Amazon.com!  Love them!! I love Leslie Sansone and this 1 mile walk is great! I have her DVD that contains all 5 miles of this walk and I love doing that workout. So, no matter the weather or your condition, you can probably do at least the walking in place or 'Marching' as she sometimes calls it. I promise you, it will make a difference in how you feel when you've finished this short, 1 mile walk. Try and see what I mean, but remember to check with your physician before you take up any new exercises.

There are no soapboxes for me to stand on tonight. I need my rest before a big day tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by and checking on my progress. I'm doing fine and working hard to solve my problem: Portion Blindness. **sigh** My current method: measure 9 oz. When that amount of food is in the container on the scale, that's it! So far, so good. Now, until tomorrow when I'll be one day closer to my trip to Stamford, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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