Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 92

I think every mosquito in Austin, Texas had a taste of me today. I decided to take a walk outside this evening and I guess I looked like the Blue Plate Special to the mosquitoes! I have so many bites on my legs, arms and back that I'm overwhelmed with the desire to scratch. I know it won't last long, but I just hate these pests! I love to be outside, but the mosquitoes are the one thing that will make me rethink that desire. Had I known it was going to be so bad, I probably would have stayed inside and walked on the treadmill. I'll be swabbing my bites with alcohol all night! My sisters husband swears by alcohol for EVERYTHING! Don't feel good? Alcohol rubdown. Got a bug bite? Alcohol rubdown. Coming down with a cold? Alcohol...well, you get the picture!! The funny thing is, it actually works! Dang!! I hate when the men are right. They get that 'I'm right 'cause I'm a man' look about them and walk around all tall and powerful. Dang IT!!

Today was a gorgeous day. I went shopping for a pair of shoes to replace a pair that I cannot wear while I'm on a business trip at the end of the month. I needed a pair of brown shoes anyway. I wanted some loafers that would be low healed and comfortable and I found just the thing (dang it! I have to keep stopping to scratch!) at DSW. A day or so ago, I got a coupon in the mail for $20 off if I spent $49. Well, I spent $49.90 and came out with a great pair of AK Anne Klein iflex Loafers in brown and two pairs of Anne Klein sox (nice sox, too!). They are soooo comfortable and will work perfectly with all the brown and cream I added to my wardrobe the last time I bought clothes. I've been trying to do less black and with my coloring, brown is better anyway. So, now I have my new shoes! That meant a pair of shoes had to go. I have rules about clothes and shoes. I cannot and WILL NOT have shoes and clothes more than I can use. So, I have room for 16 pairs of shoes, 6 pairs of flip-flops and 3 pairs of athletic shoes.  Honestly, I don't know how anyone can use even this many pairs of shoes, but I manage somehow. Anyway, I had to make the decision to let go of something. This was a hard decision, but the pair of hot pink Converse sneakers that have been taking up space in my shoe hanger for a year without being worn will be donated. There are a couple of other pairs of shoes that might go with that pair, but I'll decide that later in the week.

The day also included a trip to Sephora and a short trip to the auto parts store to get the new break shoes for my car. I've driven it for the last time until someone looks at and fixes the breaks.

The rest of the day will be just resting and doing what I want, whatever that is. I might watch a video or read a book. I don't know yet. I'm taking this weekend easy and trying to just enjoy myself and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Funny how much better you feel when you get the right amount of sleep. Hmmm...I'll bet it was a man who made up that you need 8 hours of sleep every night!  Dang!!! So until tomorrow when you get to hear about my laundry (yippie!!), sweet dreams, Sweeties!!!

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