Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 81

October is here! With it comes fall festivals, cooler weather and my sister Gena's Birthday! Day 81 is the same as Gena' Birthday and so it is to her, that I dedicate today's blog. Gena shared the same birthday as our paternal grandmother. As a little girl the family always celebrated their birthdays together. Our paternal grandfather and I had birthdays very close together. So in May, I'd have a family party with him. Both of our paternal grandparents were awkward people. If I had to choose three words to describe our paternal grandparents I'd choose: Conventional, Puritanical, Judgmental. I loved my paternal grandparents, but I was never really sure about their love for me. It was much like much of the love I've experienced in life, it came with conditions.

Anyway, Gena is the subject today!! Let me say that she's the most fantastic sister ever. We have the best time no matter what we do together. We were VERY close as children, then when I left home her life changed drastically. I didn't understand what was happening in her life since I was on my own and we really lost touch. The death of our oldest sibling really brought us back together and helped us see that we really missed and needed each other. I know she loves me with the unconditional love I've only experienced a few times in my life. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GENA!! I've already left a singing cell phone message for her, but here is a link to another song, just in case you'd like to sing too!
Gena, I hope you get to eat cake, do whatever you want and go around to all the businesses that you spend lots of money with and demand Birthday goodies!!

Personally, it was an okay day. I'm preparing for a business trip in a couple of weeks, but I've got plenty of time to get ready. I ate in the office today and had a bean, rice and chile burrito and some low-fat corn chips. Maybe not the all time best lunch, but it was available, okay in the calorie area and kept me from being too hungry. Tonight I'll have loads of veggies and make up for the lack of such at lunch. We have to be flexible! Exercise will come around 8:30pm and I'll enjoy every second of it before bed.

I'm editing the first chapter of the first story that I'll be publishing on the website. I'm very excited to get the first chapter up. The goal is for it to be up this week. Then, I'll spend some time, maybe over the weekend, doing the voiceover for the audiobook version. 

I'm starting to work on ideas for the next writing project. Although I have lots to do on the first one (chapter 1 isn't even posted yet!) I want to get some ideas out of my head and onto paper so I don't forget them. That is what I'll do tonight, that is after I clean the dining room table. I'd show you a picture of it except I'm ashamed of myself. Why exactly do dining room tables attract stuff? Sometimes I just can't figure myself out! So, off I go to correct the madness that is my dining room table! Be sure to sing Happy Birthday to someone, even if you do it from the shower...better yet, share the shower and sing another song all together! ;) Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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