Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 89

Almost a quarter of the renovation time has passed and I'm feeling better than ever!  Today was an average day at work. I got things done and we continued with our celebration of Customer Service week. Today, we served Nachos, Popcorn and Snow Cones to all our associates and I really think everyone had a good time. We called it game day and everyone wore their favorite team jersey and there were board games all over the place for people to play during breaks and lunch. Lots of fun!! Oh, yes, I was in charge briefly for making nachos. Yes, I had 3 chips. No, I skipped the cheese sauce. **Smile**

I love Wednesdays! They are generally not a day that I do my nails, but sadly the "Twinkle-Twinkle Peri-Winkle" nails I did last weekend did not last. That's okay as it is an opportunity to support Breast Cancer Awareness month (October) by applying a nail design in honor of all those women who have fought or will fight the disease. I recreated a design from one of my favorite nail artists from YouTube, elleandish. She calls her design, "Breast Cancer Awareness Nails" and here is the video of her design:
She is clearly better than me at this, but I thought her design was so cute. Here are some snaps of my re-creation of her design on my funky nails:
The yellow lighting made the colors look orange! They are in fact, pink. All I can say is, "Thank You ellenadish (Janelle) for the great, easy to recreate design." Maybe these will last longer than 2 seconds!!

We are in the process of setting up new cell phone service and transferring our current home phone number to a cell phone. If you ever decide to do this, be aware that it is not a painless experience. It's taken more than 2 weeks to be completed. I think we're all set now, but we'll see. Wish us luck!

Food and exercise is less and less of a conscious effort. There are still cravings with food and just like a smoker would crave a cigarette. One of the things I decided to do was to find something that I could eat or drink that would satisfy my stomach when it (or is it my brain?) keeps telling me, "You're hungry!" One item I've found is buttermilk. Okay, you don't like buttermilk so this may not work for you, but I love it. Buttermilk is low in fat and tastes great! It also is very filling, the protein keeps my stomach busy and the effect on me if similar to that of warm makes me sleepy. So, when I'm home (can't easily find buttermilk just everywhere) and my stomach/brain starts that, "You're hungry!" thing, I will sometimes drink a small glass (8 oz. or less) of buttermilk and so far, it's worked at satisfying that feeling! I will be working to identify other more portable solutions, but for now we have buttermilk!! You should try it!! Think of thin yogurt. It has active cultures like yogurt and that's what it tastes like, but being that I grew up here in Texas and had farmer grandparents (my mother's family were farmers and my grandfather was a Blacksmith) I was served buttermilk regularly. I can remember being a little girl and visiting my maternal grandparents on weekends. My grandmother (Mamaw, we called her and grandfather was Papaw) would always serve a huge meal at lunch time on Sunday. That was traditional for after church. The meal always had cornbread served with it and the evening meal (supper, we called it...heck, I still call it that) on Sunday was usually cornbread and buttermilk! I watched Papaw crumble his cornbread into his buttermilk and eat it out of the tall glass with a long handled iced tea spoon. I love those memories and buttermilk! I would love to have the cornbread, but it's just a little too rich for me now. A good stand in, if I want that old-timey taste of cornbread and buttermilk, is to have corn chips with the buttermilk. I use the baked ones to control the fat. It's good!! Also, let me just say this about Texas cornbread: No, it is not supposed to have sugar in it!! Cornbread is a savory, quick bread, NOT a cake!! I'd pass you a recipe, but I'm not doing that anymore. **Sigh**

Okay, so that's my trip down memory lane. I'm sure you'll hear more and more about my family as time goes by. Hang in there! Maybe by learning more about my family I won't be so scary any more. So, until tomorrow when I will hit my 90th day of 'Renovation Project: Nancy', sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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