Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 85

What a gorgeous day! I had a great time attempting to do all the things that I had on my little list yesterday and planned for today. Let me just say that I was less than successful in getting everything done, but I am happy with the results.

When I saw how beautiful the day was going to be in Central Texas, I made sure I got some exercise outside and also did a few more errands than originally planned. Praise the Lord! My dinning table is no longer an embarrassment to the family and a living statement of my personal procrastination struggle. (Yes, I procrastinate too and have to wage war against it, daily. I'm humbled to say that I'm not always victorious; sometimes procrastination wins!) So, out of the 4 things I wanted to get done today, I was successful at getting 2 completed. I did start the tutorial on the new animation software and worked on the voices for Chapter 1 of The Box, but I'm not finished with either of these.

Earlier this week (day 83) I went to Whole Foods and picked up all the ingredients that I used for our special dinner that night. While there, I realized that Whole Foods has an extensive selection of prepared foods that I had really never noticed before. So, today I stopped by my local Whole Foods and picked up two entrées and two side dishes that would make a total of 5 meals (3 for dinner tonight and 2 for the family for tomorrow night). Here is what I selected:
  • 3 Rosemary Grilled Chicken Breasts
  • 2 Slices Roasted Vegetable Turkey Loaf
  • 3 Artichoke Latkes
  • 1/2 pound of Roasted Winter Squash
I had enough of the Roasted Garlic Fingerling Potatoes from Thursday left over to round out the boys plates. We loved all of the food! So, if you don't want to cook anymore, Whole Foods can also be your chef! I think Central Market does this too, but sadly there isn't one close enough to me to make it worth my while to go there. (Hear that HEB! I keep saying you need to build one close to me!!!)

I skipped the latkes and had a bit of the squash (spicy and delicious) and the turkey loaf for my supper. My son had the chicken, 1/2 of a latke and potatoes.  A lovely dinner and I wasn't tempted to eat the kitchen since all I had to do was warm it up well and arrange the food on the plates so that it looked appetizing. Now that's my kind of kitchen work. Also, the total cost of this food for 5 meals was about $30, making each meal about $6. Not bad cost wise either. Thanks, Whole Foods!!

Since my HEB has a kiosk for My Fit Foods, I was able to get my lunch and dinner for Sunday - Tuesday handled. I really like their meals. It is more expensive, but I'm controlled on the portions and I still REALLY need that. The total expense for this week's food (including the My Fit Foods, HEB and Whole Foods) was about $250. That's probably more than most people spend. However, we eat every meal from our kitchen and so that's about 105 meals per week (3 people, 3 main meals and 2 snacks per person per day). That translates to a cost of about $2.40 per meal including beverages, adult and otherwise! I don't think that's bad at all. See...I do know what I'm doing!

That was today. I'm still here; kicking and screaming all the way to the end...wherever that is. Tomorrow is really the day of rest I look forward to each week. I know I'll do laundry, clean makeup brushes and just spend time taking care of myself. The family will play computer games...the story of my life. Maybe something will happen and make them do something else! (Yes, I'm forever optimistic! Sad, isn't it!) Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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