Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 94

Another gloomy, rainy day in the neighborhood, but welcomed all the same. We have needed this for so long. Pardon the pun, but it really is just a drop in the bucket of what we need. **smile** So, I was indoors, of course, working all day, but was able to get a peek at the storms as they passed through the area. I love gloomy, rainy. It makes me appreciate happy, sunny all the more.

Today's exercise of choice was a video selection from the FitnessBlender folks. It will probably take me a good year to be able to do the exercises as well as they do, but I have goals and each time I get a little better at it. You can't expect to be over 100 lbs. over weight and think you're going to fly through these exercises like the young, fit girl doing them in the video! For heaven's sake!! So, here is the workout I did today (kicked me in the a**, it did!):
These guys have the best workout videos around. They are challenging and there are a wide variety of workouts available; all on YouTube! They also have packages of workouts that you can buy. I've looked at them and they look great, but for now, I'm good with the YouTube options. This one is challenging in some specific ways. First, I can't get my leg up as high as she can when doing the side lifts. Also, I'm not quite a fast as she is when doing the squat punches, but hey! I'm 54 and not fit and she's 24 and totally fit. Talk about opposites! But, I'm working to get as close to where she is, fitness wise, as I can. If I have nothing else, I have the wisdom to listen to my body as I work to become fit. My body tells me when I need more of a challenge. It also tells me when I need to slow down or change what I'm doing. Just listen...your body it's saying something to you, too. (By the way, make sure you have the okay from your physician before starting any exercise program.)

I've been really hungry all day. I wish I understood what drives this. Over the last few days I've been eating small meals that I put together using Chef Prepared foods from Central Market. The food is very tasty and there are grilled vegetables, salads and grilled meat, chicken and fish options available. The main benefit of purchasing the food this way is the cost. It is much less expensive. I calculated the last batch to be less than $4 per meal. MyFitFoods is GREAT! But expensive. The average cost is over $7 per meal. It adds up fast! When you're feeding 3 people you can feel the pinch pretty quickly. The other thing that buying the food prepared like this is helping me with is the portioning. I'm not cooking the food, so I'm not in there adding butter and salt, but I have to create the right portions, so it forces me to weigh and measure what I'm doing. I've learned to portion the food as soon as I get it home. That way it's easy to grab a meal when it's time to eat. Portion practice is really important. I STILL don't seem to be able to see what a right amount of food is without measuring. I hope I get better at this before one of us dies!

Thanks for stopping by the blog. You'll never know how much it helps me to sit down and write these few words or share videos that make me sweat, smile or think. I want everyone in the world who are challenged in the same ways I am to know that they have the power to resolve these issues. If I can do it, so can you!! There is nothing special over here about me. Don't tell me you can't walk or do the YouTube workouts! Neither could I 94 days ago!! It all starts with doing just one thing and adding to that one little thing every day. Before you know it, that one little thing = 40 lbs. lost and more flexibility, mobility and general fitness. Believe me, I can't do some of the things they do in the videos. When that happens, I just march or jog in place. Yes, it's frustrating, but everyday I do a little bit more and feel a little bit better. God! I'm ranting now!!  Who turned my switch on???  Okay, so use your power to make your life what you want. Write a plan for what you want your future to be and then execute against that plan. Don't let yourself forget the plan. I promise you'll make progress. Oh, and by the way, DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!

That's enough ranting and raving for one day. Until tomorrow when I'll probably find some other soapbox to stand on, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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