Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 98

Do we love Friday? Yes, I think we do!! Another one is just about gone, and it was a great day. The weather seems to have stabilized at nice with a little rain. Tomorrow we'll have rain while I do the marketing and then mostly sunny with a high in the low 70's. I'll take it!

The short workout that I shared with you from FitnessBlender on YouTube in the day 97 blog posting, knocked my socks off! There really are some moves that my body simply will not do! I ended up marching or jogging in place...a lot! The nice thing is, it doesn't matter. What really matters is I gave it my best and kept going for the entire length of the workout, which was quite short. My bare minimum workout routine is something, anything at least every other day. The more activity I have the better I feel. My struggle is with seems to fly by!

I worked today and some yesterday on the second chapter of my story, The Box. I have some goals about how much I want to get done over the next week, but I don't want to write them down because it always makes me feel like I've accomplished the goal when I write it down. Somehow I get the satisfied feeling of an accomplishment and then I fail to meet the goal. So, just know I have some goals, but I'm not putting them down in here. It's kind of like with the weight loss; I have goals I just don't want the feeling they have been achieved before they really have! You with me?

I'm still fighting major food cravings. I'm not sure why, but I'm also struggling with trying to figure out what it is that I really want to eat. Basically, I want everything! It may actually be a need to chew and possibly a need for something crunchy, but nothing seems to satisfy me over the last few days. The best thing for me at this time is to keep busy. As my sister says, "Just keep it moving, Nancy, Just keep it moving!" I know I'll figure it out, but in the meantime, it's a struggle.

I'm eager for the weekend. Thanks for stopping by to check on my progress. Until tomorrow when you'll hear all about the woes of marketing, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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