Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 86 favorite day and the weather is even better today than it was yesterday! Currently a sunny 76 degrees with a north wind at 14 mph and 26% humidity. You don't have to say a thing...I know you're jealous.  Are you kidding me? Of course I'm outside! I'll be folding my laundry on the deck. I've already eaten every meal out there and listened to part of an audiobook while just resting this morning!

Autumn is lovely here. While I'm writing I'm honoring autumn and listing to Les Brown and his band do a little tune called 'Tis Autumn. I love Big Band music. In fact, I love all music! I listen to a little bit of just about everything. I grew up singing and playing a variety of instruments. I learned to read music taking piano lessons (even though my mom played well, she wouldn't teach me...had lessons at school), but I wasn't interested in the piano. Next, I took Cello and guitar lessons (again, at school), but they weren't for me either. Then, I found the French Horn. That was it. I was in love. I played the horn throughout my junior high and high school years and really should have kept playing. I marched in bands, played in ensembles, orchestras, stage name it, I joined in and played. I had great directors and music leaders. Besides all that, I sang. Choir rehearsals were usually in direct conflict with various band practice sessions, but I sang in the choir in junior high and stayed with my church choir and ensembles throughout high school. You probably didn't know it, but I can still be seen at my regular engagements in the Hemati living room, the 2007 Nissan Versa driver's seat stage and any shower I happen to use! *smile* I drive everyone NUTS singing!

I've done my nails, but I think I will probably rework them later in the week. I'm calling these "Twinkle-Twinkle Peri-Winkle":
No, I'm still so disgusted by having to cut them I didn't do a manicure and so, I did not clean up the cuticles. I just painted them and it shows! Forgive, me I'm not perfect. I have a big daisy ring with a sliver band and center rhinestone that is just this color. I'll wear it tomorrow to work. We'll see how long the polish goes before it chips.

Today I was supposed to have a My Fit Foods lunch and supper, however as I was on my way to the deck with my Lemon Turkey (yummy, my favorite MFF meal) and the door I was exiting through sprung back quickly and caught my elbow and caused me to lose grip on the plate and CRASH, SMASH, TRASH! Lunch on the ground; plate (my favorite square, black stoneware plate *frown*) is smashed. I had two small frozen bean burritos and some lettuce and tomatoes, instead. It was okay...just not what I'd wanted. We'll try again tonight with a different meal. Oh, and I'll be using my plastic plate! I am a klutz and so I should know I can't be trusted with breakables outside. You may have read about me and my long history of uncoordinated feet. If not, just use the "search this blog" field and search for the word "klutz" and you'll find out!

I don't usually exercise on Sunday, but I probably will today. It's just too nice to miss the opportunity to be outside. Again, I'm not on a timeline here, except that I want to document what I'm doing and how it's going. I have ordered a new bathroom scales, which should be here next week some time. I do plan to weigh myself on day 121. That way I can get a good idea of what has been the average weight loss since day one. As you know, I don't allow the scale to define my success. I am successful, because I feel better, look better and am happy with how I'm doing. I really believe that the weight loss starts in your head first. I had to get myself to a place where my thinking was right in order to get going again. I know that I could gain it all back and this is the way my life can go, but because I've learned so much I don't see myself doing that again. You see, what I used to do that I no longer do (and this is KEY), is see a momentary slip as the end; as the reason to stop doing what's right and to just do whatever I want. Believe me, I still want and probably will always want to eat the entire contents of the kitchen. I LOVE food. I love how it tastes, smells, looks, feels. I love to cook it, handle it, store it, plan it and serve it. I love how people feel when they eat great meals that I've prepared. However, all that LOVE = a HUGE Nancy and If I kept it up, would also = a DEAD Nancy! Not in the plan!! So, now a momentary slip is just that; a slip that means I'm human and need help sometimes. Writing this blog helps me. It keeps me busy and focused on what I love even more than food, words.

Now, the laundry is calling my name and outside is singing even louder. Be safe and get some fresh air. I hope the autumn is being nice to you where you are. If not, consider a trip to Texas! There's lots to do here, weather is pretty this time of year and the Cowboys are always nice company. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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