Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 96

It was so cool today I needed a light jacket. You just don't know how happy that made me. The weather is finally taking a turn to cooler temperatures and I hope it stays this way. Somehow, I know there will be more heat, but I'm okay as long as we can have a few more cool days like today. I must say that losing weight does make the heat easier to bear. I'm actually looking forward to next summer when I should be at least half of the way to were I want to be. Half of the way...what is half the way? What is my goal? Do you remember? Yes, I want to feel healthy and I do now, which means I've achieved that vellum-ey goal. Now, I think I need to start nailing down a few numbers. I've avoided the scales, but now I have to give the starting number and get ready to provide the current number when I get to Day 120 (as I promised in an earlier blog). Okay, so here it is. When I started this on Day 1, July 13, 2013, I weighed in at something over 310 lbs. I can't believe I'm saying it, but yes, I was over 310 lbs. The scale wouldn't really handle more than 300 lbs., so I'm sure it was more than that. I will weigh again on Day 120. After that there will be two more weigh-ins; one at Day 240 and the last at Day 365. I would love to be sitting at 180 lbs. on Day 365, but I honestly will be happy with whatever the scale says. Again, the scale is only one way to judge success here. I'll still be trying on clothes from my collection in ever smaller sizes and taking pictures to show the progress.  That is happening on Day 120, too!! A big day that!!

I walked today on the treadmill and enjoyed every minute of it. Tomorrow I would like to do some more FitnessBlender as it really challenges me. If you haven't been over to YouTube to check out their channel, be sure to take a look. They are great!

Now, it is getting late and I've no extra time to blog. Eating was good and I'm happy with the results there. As much as I love cooking, I'm actually loving being a non-cook for a change. I may never cook another meal as long as I live! I guess we'll see how that goes. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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