Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 107

Pack, pack and more packing here as I prepare to travel. Actually, as I write this (before 9am) I haven't started the dreaded packing yet, but I have checked in for my flight which is at 8:41am tomorrow. I was even able to snag an isle seat (had originally booked a center seat) for myself, which is great. The awful center seat is just not great for me or anyone else flying next to me either, but you take what you can get, so if you need a good reason to be first checking in, this is it. You can sometimes snag a better seat if you check-in early!

As I worked at my desk this morning I noticed someone going in and out the front door of the house. Little did I know that that someone was about cutting roses from one of the bushes in our front yard for me! How sweet! Thank you!!! I know it sounds crazy, but the rose bushes are putting out more blooms...this is Texas, after all. Here is what he brought me this morning:
I don't think the camera does the color justice. They are hot pink and don't even look close to that here. The vase is his own design: A tall shot glass inside a highball glass with three squares of styrofoam to keep the shot glass stable. Genius! I will enjoy these all day, as I get myself ready to travel. I'll put one of the photos as my cell phone wallpaper so I have them with me on my trip!

Today I'm so busy that I don't think I'll have too much trouble with food. I do have to go out to the bank teller machine and get some cash and may stop at the grocery store for a few more items for the boys, but other than that, I think I'm good to go. The goal is to get to bed at about 8:30pm tonight so that I can rise at 4am and be ready to leave the house with my chauffeur at 6am. My flight isn't until after 8:30am, but I've learned that when it comes to travel by airplane the following applies:

To be early is to be on-time. To be on-time, is to be LATE!

I don't do late. It just isn't my nature to be unconcerned about time. It's a product of adulthood, I think. As I look back at my life, I can honestly say that somewhere along the way I became obsessed with being on-time. If I'm late somewhere, there is something terribly wrong. Oh well, I am what I am!

The rest of today will be about getting ready for tomorrow. Although I prefer to blog later, before bed, I need to be done with this now. So, until tomorrow, when I'll be blogging from Stamford, CT with the power of my iPad, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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