Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 87

Monday, Monday! It was a nice day in Central Texas. Work was great, but a little interrupted by a quick trip to do a face-to-face meeting with the MetroPCS guys that were supposed to port over a digital phone number to a new cell phone. I had trouble reaching these guys on the phone, so I had to leave the "If I don't hear from you within the hour, you're going to see me" message. They got to see me!! When I walked in the door, the guy knew exactly who I was and was already apologizing. It was weird, but he is taking care of the issue. I've already been contacted with the news that the port over was confirmed by the old carrier. It seems that this office of MetroPCS is in the same predicament as me, as they are moving their office phone service to someone else and they just got the ability to listen to their voice mail today. Okay...I'm a forgiving person.  So, this either is resolved tomorrow or he get's to SEE me a final time. *smile* And I won't be smiling this time.

This week is Customer Service week and it is celebrated globally by my company. I'd explain what we do for our associates to help them understand just how much we appreciate the care they give to our customers, but then I'd have to kill you because you'd know WAY too much about the stupid side of me. Oh, wait a already know that from this blog. I'll just say that the week involves me and other leaders dressing up in funny clothes, serving various special meals and snacks and giving out bunches of prizes! Yes, I work in a REALLY fun place.

I wanted to share with you a bit about a great alternative that I've found for exercise. Now, you know I love me some walking outside and on the treadmill. I also like a nice sweaty workout on the elliptical trainer, however I also love the workout videos I've found on YouTube posted by FitnessBlender.  These folks are GREAT! Here is a workout that I can do in my office or just about anywhere, that's just great. The video is less than 10 minutes, but when I do it it takes me right at 10 minutes with a bit of warm up and cool down. This is somewhat of a 'beginner's' workout. They have stuff in videos that I can't even try...YET! Enjoy!!
By the way, I've learned that 3-6, 10 minute workouts sprinkled throughout the day is almost as good as a 30-60 minute all-at-once session. I feel just as good and so will you. Also, if you're just starting out, please make sure you're physician gives you the 'okay' to exercise and know you're own limits. If you can only do 1 minute of this, then only do 1 minute. Work up to it and before you know it you'll be passing everyone else saying things like, "Eat my dust slow-poke!!" Or whatever you might say when you pass someone up while exercising. Anyway, you catch my drift. Exercise makes me feel great and really it is the one thing that I just don't want to do without. By the way, check out FitnessBlender on YouTube and subscribe for more great workouts!

It's getting to be that time when I need to get some rest. The day has been a good one, but I'm really tired now. Until tomorrow when we all get to get up and do it all again...sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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