Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 88

Since today was the second of a 5 day celebration of Customer Service Week at my office, everyone was asked to wear a crazy hat and eat lots of candy. Leadership hosted a long table in the break room that was beautifully decorated (don't know by whom, but they did well) and provided lots of candy of all kinds. Yes, I had a couple of bites of candy. I'm not proud of myself, except that I kept it to the following:
  1. One, dark chocolate kiss. (Yes, really! Just ONE!)
  2. One, mini peanut butter cup. (**Sigh** Again, just one.)
  3. Five, peanut M&Ms. (I held out my hand and was given 5, so I ate them. What can I say? I'm a lemming!)
Nope, not proud that I ate this, but I couldn't stand it. I needed to support the associates in my company and so I had to stand there with my tiara on (what, you don't wear a tiara at work?) and I couldn't do it without having a little something. It really wasn't much AND I didn't even really like it. The dark chocolate was actually not tasty, the M&Ms were okay, but I just thought, "Meh! It's okay," and the mini peanut butter cup (my favorite) tasted like a mint! Weird!! I didn't feel let down, I just decided that I'd consider future treats with a more critical eye.

The rest of the day was filled with general work. There are always problems to solve and meetings to attend. I have a report that I do each week that I was hoping for a bit of information to include by today, but I'm still waiting on it. I don't like having to depend on others, but it can be a necessity.

Exercise tonight was made up for 22 minutes on the treadmill walking to the following playlist:

Shoo-Shoo Baby - The Andrews Sisters
Horse With No Name - America
Confusion - Electric Light Orchestra
Flowers On The Wall - The Statler Brothers (This tune puts some pep into my step!)
Let's Groove - Earth, Wind and Fire
Dramophone - Caravan Palace

Then I did the 9 min. 4 sec. FitnessBlender video linked to my blog yesterday. The Beginner Kickboxing video! That really gets me going!! I enjoyed every minute of the exercise today. I hope to be able to take a walk in the morning at work. I know my early (7am) meeting has been cancelled, so maybe I'll have my missing data for my report and can get that out. When I do, off I'll go for a celebratory walk!

I hope you're having a GREAT time where you are. It's time for me to get moving and prepare myself for bed. I wonder what new and exciting experience I'll have tomorrow? Who knows, but until then, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

P.S. Notice I successfully snuck 2 lists into this blog! HA, HA, HA, HA...#MadeYouLook!!! :)

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