Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 83

Oh, my! What a fantastic day!! I had great work, learned a few new things and had a nice celebration of 32 years with Mr. Hemati. He says he wants 32 more, but I can't imagine why! I talk too much, let my physical body get out of hand, don't do things right...and oh so much more is wrong with me, but yet he toasted tonight to 32 more years. Who knows what the future has for any of us. In 32 more years I'll be 86! Wow!! An octogenarian!! I wonder what I'll be like when I'm 86 years old? Will I be as talkative, inquisitive and joyful as I am today? Will someone have to be watching me 24/7 because I wander off or pair plaids with polkadots when I dress? I wonder about all these things, but the great possibilities of each day are so gripping that I don't have much time to spend on those dreams. All I know is that at 86, I'll be VERY interesting!! :)

Here is how I handled the special anniversary meal we had tonight. First, I had only half my steak (which I cooked myself). I used a small plate for my meal, so I had fewer potatoes and mushrooms that I would have had with a larger plate. I did have a full glass of red was SO good! A Malbec -- Valle Las Acequias Mendoza, Oak 2007. When we married all those years ago, we couldn't afford to have a reception with cake, so today I purchased a special Berry Chantilly cake from my local Whole Foods store to serve as our wedding cake and this is what it looked like before we ate about 1/3 of it after dinner:
I think this is the best cake I've ever eaten! I had a small piece and I'm happy to have celebrated with just a small slice. Please visit your local Whole Foods (if you have one) and get some of this FANTASTIC cake! Oh, and if your getting married, this IS your wedding cake.  Believe me, after eating this cake your guests will never forget your day!

I still had my exercise today just like any other day. I did 15 minutes on the treadmill at about 3 MPH with a 5% incline. Then, I did 10 minutes on the Elliptical Trainer and then back to the treadmill for the final 5 minutes. The Elliptical really works my a**! I enjoy these exercise sessions! Over the past few weeks I've also been taking a walk during the day at work. This week was a little too busy to get that in, but as it gets cooler it will be something I enjoy doing during most days.

A few days ago I promised I'd share the sad new picture of my nails once they were cut off and repainted. Since I'm over the loss of all that nail length I worked so hard to grow, here is the before and after shot (sorry the lighting was not great on the 'before' picture):
Before and after the BIG break-up! **sigh**
I love fooling with my nails, makeup and just being a girl. I'm in a house completely surrounded by boys and so I have a good time making them shake their heads. I don't think they will ever understand. I just wish they could appreciate that I do it to be the best wife and mother I think that I can be. I want the people around me to be so proud that I'm near and it isn't possible for me to make you feel that way if I look like I haven't even tried to make an effort! Some boys get it, others don't. I think I have the 'Don't' variety here at my house. If you're a guy and reading this (which is a miracle in itself) please make sure your lady love knows that you appreciate that she tries to look nice for you. Yes, she may be doing it for other reasons too, but she probably wants you to be proud to be seen with her. Even if that's not the reason she does it, please just make yourself think that's the reason! She'll love the attention you give to her. How do I get down these paths of thought? Bless my heart!! :)

That's it for today. Tomorrow is Friday! Yippie!! I've got a busy few weeks ahead. Next week is Customer Service week at the office, the week after is Texas Daze where we have HIGHLY IMPORTANT visitors in the office all week (stand up straight, Nancy!!). Then, the next week I'll be on a business trip to Stamford, CT for a week and then I'm off on a trip to Las Vegas with Gena, my sister and best friend on EARTH! Yikes! I better get busy!! So, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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