Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 82

I loved day 82, much like I love every day of life. Yes, you're right, not every day is great, but every single day is loved by me. I'm so happy to be gifted with each and every day.

Last night, I posted chapter one of my story titled, The Box. I kept editing and editing and you know, if I had kept going I would have edited that chapter into eternity. The piece is posted on the top right of the blog site under Original Works by Nancy Hemati under the Serial Stories link. I hope you will read and enjoy the first chapter. I'm having so much fun doing what I KNOW I was born to do.

Everyone has talents and I have to say that I don't think I cultivated my talents wisely. When I was young, I was made to feel self-conscious about my vocal talent. When I sang out, people would get such a shocked look that I feared letting people hear me, but I loved singing...still do. As an adult I realized that the shocked look was because I had a clear toned, on pitch voice at such a young age. Since I didn't understand it, I didn't know how to respond to the looks and so I tried to hide my talent. You'd think my parents would have helped me since they were adults who could clearly see my talent and joy. But they did not. It took me a LONG time to understand the reaction from them. Someday, I'll write a story all about that. For now, please read chapter one and let me know what you think. You can't put comments on the story, but you can leave me comments here!

Food today was okay. I tried a new breakfast product and it was satisfactory, but I think I can do better, if I could just handle food again without eating the entire contents of the refrigerator! The new breakfast item is a quiche made with egg whites and no crust. It was good, but I really think I could make these myself and freeze them and they'd be even better than what I had this morning. I've put this on my list of food items that I'll allow myself to cook once I feel I can trust myself in the kitchen again. Until that day, I will continue to use prepared food that is already portioned. This works for me.

So, that's it for today! I've bent your ear about WAY more than I should have, but didn't I come up with some more story subjects? Uh, huh...I sure did!! That's life and it's all GOOD! Now, until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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