Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 34

Today wasn't Friday. I knew that right away when I got to the office and saw all the people dragging around with that, "It's really not Friday" look on their faces. I don't care! I love Thursday and it was a great one in my book. Someone made me laugh today; I had to give difficult feedback and the person understood and took it well; it was just a really productive and good day. I like to feel I earn my money (I don't want freebies at work) and so it always feels good to know I had the kind of day that gave value to my company. Solve problems and add value; that's what I do.

I had a mixture of My Fit Foods and frozen today. Food is a bit of a mixture at the moment. I've looked at the nutrition and there are some frozen options that I do like that fit into my plan. Being a person who avoids throwing babies out with bathwater, I hated to say completely "NO" to frozen options when some might work well for me. Having eaten my last available MFF and frozen meal option, I will have to replenish supplies tomorrow...or Saturday...maybe. You see, I'm trying to not have to stop somewhere tomorrow because I have some things I want to do tomorrow and food wasn't one of them. I have breakfast covered and I think I would like some sushi tomorrow for lunch. So, dinner is my issue. I don't know what I'm going to do about dinner, yet. I'll write about that tomorrow. So, in case you can't see the real problem here, let me identify it for you:  It is Thursday night, 7:58 PM and I am totally consumed and yes, worried about food for tomorrow? There is so much wrong with this that I don't even know where to begin! This is why I don't want to go to the store or MFF more than once a week. So, the idea of using MFF and some frozen will keep me from having to do that. I will eat the MFF for the first 4-5 days after I pick it up (when it is fresh) and then do the last couple of days frozen. This will keep me to a schedule of only having to go deal with arranging for food once a week on Saturday. I'll take pictures of what I eat tomorrow to document how I make out. After all this, I better do GREAT!

I'm still working on editing the video and pictures from my company carnival yesterday. It was a truly fun day. The group of employees who put it all together did a great job. It was HOT out, so the only thing I ask is to put the carnival next year in May instead of August. That's my feedback! Otherwise, GREAT FUN! I'll get the video up as soon as possible.

Tonight I want to share a video of some lovely products that I'm currently enjoying in my own makeup bag. Have I told you how much I love Chanel?
The powder, mascara and lipstick are perfect. The only one I don't currently have is the blush. It will be making an appearance in my makeup bag soon! Chanel is the best and I deserve the best! (Lisa Eldridge is so talented, knowledgeable and beautiful. I follow her videos and blogs and they have changed my life.)

So, that's it for me today. I am going to start my 'go to bed' process and have some spa fun with my skin. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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