Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 29

Saturday is always such a wonderful day! This one being day 29 in my fight to get fit is great because we are working (I keep saying 'we' when actually I'm not doing any of the work) to prepare our son's room for virtual high school.  He has a desk in the communal office where he plays his computer games with his friends, but he also needed a place where he could be on a different computer and study. We (there's that 'we' again) decided to build his learning space into half of his 10' closet. The project is no where finished, but the desk is up so I wanted to share how that looks.  Here are some photographs and a short video for your viewing pleasure, or not if you HATE poorly made videos...which this is...

I think this desk area is going to work perfectly for him. The whole family is looking forward to this new way of accomplishing school! In fact, I'd gladly go back to high school, if I could just be 16 again! No? Okay, well I'll stay where I am.  Mind you, I don't really want to get any older either. Oh, the ins and outs of life after 50.

Enough about the desk. I decided to do a little test and put some My Fit Foods side by side with some frozen meals. I want, very much, for there to be multiple options for feeding myself that does not involve fast food or eating my own cooking, which are both DANGEROUS! So, I had a frozen meal for lunch and taste wise it was pretty good. I then compared calories, and they were comparable to a MFF meal. Then came the preservatives and salt. Okay, colossal fail for the frozen meal. This was even a Healthy Choice meal! So, in a pinch would I buy that meal, probably, but I need to avoid pinches.

The day has been nice, but it's time to see it's end. Supper is over and as it has been extra hot, so I think an extra shower is in order. As it is Saturday, I think I'll make it a personal spa night. I can watch something on the iPad while I give my skin a good pampering! It will be nice. So, until day 30, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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