Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 39

What a great day! I'm happy for it to be drawing to a close soon, but it was a good day. All except for the part where a coworker who visited my office yesterday emailed late in the afternoon to say that he has Strep Throat. Oh, goody!!  I sanitized everything he touched...probably too late, but there you go!

I'm working my way to the end of the week as I have a long weekend coming up. Our son starts school on Monday and I always like to be around for the first couple of days to help get him off to a good start. Also, I have my check-up with the cancer doctor to make sure I'm still free of that beast! I'll let you know how that goes a week from today on day 46.

We continue the work here to renovate Nancy. I'm feeling good and trying to find more alternatives for meals that make sense (nutritionally), are not loaded with preservatives and that I don't have to cook/prepare. So far, my options have been My Fit Foods (which, I love) and the freezer section of my grocery store. I started out saying, "No!" to he frozen food, but now I'm rethinking that. There are products that I haven't seen before now available and I don't want to overlook things that are good. I purchased one such meal that my husband ate for dinner tonight. It was from a company called Cedar Lane. He said it was delicious and tasted like something I made and froze for him; tasted like real food. One swift scan of the ingredient list confirmed for me that it was a good buy. The only things listed in the ingredients are foods.  No preservatives or things that I couldn't pronounce. The calories were okay (420 for an enchilada meal), but he says the real important thing was, it was good! I looked at the cost and at $4.46, it was definitely better than My Fit Foods. So, this will now be an option. I hope my HEB carries more varieties of their food. I took a look at Cedar Lane's website and they seem to have some good options!

Today I tried to eat a few more calories. Here is what I had:

Breakfast - Special K Pepper Jack and Veggie Breakfast Sandwich w/2 thin slices of Turkey Bacon and a Banana (280 calories)
Lunch - My Fit Foods Chicken Parmesan and a Banana (410 calories) (Chicken Parm was HIGH! I probably won't pick this one up again.)
Dinner - My Fit Foods Fit Nugget Nation w/Laughing Cow Cheese and Pretzel Crisps (400 calories)
Total for the day - 1,090 (Ohhhhhh MG! Still low and I added two fruits, cheese and chips AND a higher calorie lunch!) At least I'm over 1,000 calories. I did okay...I guess.

My sister noticed right away that I was counting calories in my blog. I explained, very quickly, that I was just doing an experiment to see how close I was getting to 1,200 per day, by just eating what I thought were the right things. She listened (and I could hear her shaking her head) and at the end she said, "Uh, huh...Well, I'm not doing that!" I don't blame her one little bit! I don't want to do it either, but having the already portioned meals makes it so much easier to calculate! The numbers are right there in front of you. Also, have you noticed how many restaurants are putting their calories right on the menu? I noticed this at Starbucks. The drive-thru in my neighborhood now has the calorie counts for it's breakfast sandwiches right on the menu in big bold numbers. I like that!! It made it real easy for me to know I was making a good choice for me....AND I enjoyed the sandwich (350 calories) that I ordered on the day I had it. I think that was day 35. Anyway, I know there have been lots of people complaining about seeing the calorie counts, but I'm honestly happy seeing those numbers on the menu. To me, it makes sense. I know that 400 calories per meal is pretty much my limit. If I have a lower calorie breakfast I have a few more calories to work with throughout the day. When standing in front of a menu at Starbuck and there is an option for a 350 calorie hot egg sandwich or a 550 calorie cold chicken salad sandwich, what do you think I'm going to have? Now, I love a chicken salad sandwich and I might have chosen that in the past. But now? No! See, knowledge is a powerful thing!

Tonight is not exercise night, so I'm enjoying a bit of a break for my hip.  Yes, it still hurts. I think it's just going to hurt for awhile. Hopping from one subject to another, as I do, I wanted to give those who care, an update on the mascara trials going on in this house. I really LOVE the Ioni Cosmetics Phatlash mascara (the red one seen below). It kept my lashes curled all day (and I have defiant lashes!) and when it goes on your lashes it's sure enough staying there! I liked to have never gotten that mascara off last night! I used two kinds of makeup removers and it barely budged! If you want REALLY waterproof mascara with a staying power beyond belief, you want Ioni Cosmetics Phatlash mascara! A REAL $2.25 bargain!

I also made a video tonight to update, again, those who care, on the final view of our son's room. Besides a few things I'd like to get done before school starts (like cleaning the wall around the light switch plate...he is a boy, after all) it is finished. Here is the video tour:

No, I didn't do a great job, but what do you expect when I have 10 seconds to shoot and edit a video. You want Nancy "DeMille" films? We'll need a bit of time for that. :) I shot this in less than 10 minutes and took about an hour to edit and upload. That's all the time I had so there you go! I hope you enjoy it.  

I guess that's it for today. I'm feeling good and I hope looking good, well, as good as possible anyway. Tomorrow will be another great day...my boss will be in town! But for now, I know a light switch plate that is just begging to be cleaned! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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