Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 33

It was an interesting day here. My company held a carnival for the employees and although it was hot I shot lots of video showing people having a GREAT time. I'll be editing for a while, but it will make an appearance in a future blog and on YouTube. I'm always busy at work and that made the day great. I was glad to get home and just chill out for awhile.

I'm down to 1 MFF meal and 1 Frozen Lean Cuisine meal and I don't want to go buy food until Saturday morning. I have oatmeal for breakfast, so I'm covered there, but I have to figure out what I'm going to do for lunch and dinner on Friday. When I get that worked out I'll add it to the blog. Probably tomorrow night I'll have an answer. I love this 'running out of food' thing! My house has always been stuffed to the gills with food, but to become fit I really do have to embrace new ways and that means everything has to change. The way I see food has been so wrong for so long, I can't believe I didn't know the level of wrongness involved here! No one likes to hear they are 'wrong' and I'm no different, but like an alcoholic, I had to get to a point where I could say, 'My thinking is messed up about food and not at all right. What is right?" The answer that question is so very simple. Fresh food, portioned correctly, made of quality ingredients that has a low glycemic effect on my blood, is right.  That is why My Fit Foods is so good.  Did you know that MFF can help people who want to gain weight, as well as lose it? I talked with a coworker today who has been told by her doctor that she needs to gain weight. She doesn't want to, because she has been thin all her life and is sure that adding 10 extra pounds would be too hard to do and hard to carry around. Wow! I wouldn't know what that problem is like. She seemed very upset about her husband and doctor wanting this. I didn't know what to say. As we talked, she asked me, "Don't you get uncomfortable when you are full?" I had to ask, "What does full feel like?" She couldn't understand that I didn't really know what full was. I can say that now, I some what do, but really my life has been spent full to over full. Most of my life, I just did STUFFED. Hungry, now that's something I really didn't understand. Now, I do wait until I'm hungry to eat. It is much better for me and less likely to crave food when I allow myself to become naturally hungry.

I continue to spend time thinking about what I really want out of life. My sister gets what I mean when I say, "Experiences." It's not things I want, it's experiences. I just have to think through how to make them happen. As I've said before, this is NOT a bucket list. I want to live consciously and with purpose. My life's purpose is to solve problems and encourage people. I need to do that for myself now.

It's time for me to go for a walk. Wish you were here! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!


Saw this video on YouTube and am fascinated with the technique used to make the short film. Not to mention the fact that I too, love Chanel. Enjoy!  Music is Goldfrapp "Strict Machine" (downloaded the tune from iTunes for my drive to it!)

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