Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 44

Today was a mad rush to make sure all preparations have been made before school starting tomorrow. I'm glad I took a few minutes to review things just to be on the safe side, because I found that several software items had not been downloaded onto the computer! YIKES!! It took awhile, but all is complete. We are ready! (I know, I keep saying that and it's true this time!) As a learning coach, I want to help him in every way possible, but I know he has to do it on his own and he will. It's going to be great!

While sitting in his new learning space working to get the computer fully ready, I found that his room gets a little warmer in the middle of the day than I realized. No worries! I'll put a small fan in there and he can control the breeze. So, I went to the garage and there was a small (9" maybe) fan! I grabbed it and noted that it was quite dusty. I didn't want to bring something in the house that would spew dust all over the place, so I took the fan outside and disassembled it so I could give it a quick cleaning. I had a little help getting the screws off that held the front cage to the fan, but after that I was on my own. I used a small, clean paintbrush to brush away all of the dust and reassembled the fan, brought it in the house and plugged it in. Now, do you think that this nice clean fan had the decency to turn on!?! If you think, "Yes!" you'd be wrong. It never dawned on me to plug the bast**** in and make sure that it worked! I squirted the bearing with WD40 and Poof! it works!! Mommy melt-down avoided!!

The rest of the day I spent doing laundry, reading, playing solitaire and just enjoying the great afternoon outside. It really was a nice day. My meals were all MFF except for breakfast and I allowed myself red wine with dinner and a treat of some chips (very small portion) with my supper. It was delicious! I ate outside and apparently my dinner was very interesting to a single bee that would not let me alone. He drove me from the table more than once and I finally had to abandon my place at the table for the safety of indoors! He (maybe a she...who knows) was a FIEND! For someone who likes to be outside, you'd think I would be more tolerant of creatures, but I don't like stinging things. Like spiders, they frighten me. Something else I typically do on Sunday is I give myself a manicure. I'm not good with toes at the moment (need more belly gone first) but nails are one of my creative outlets. I wanted to do something special to celebrate our son's new school year, so I painted up nails I'm calling, "Don't Be Late For School!" nails. Here they are:
Thumb and ring finger are black with white writing and a matte top coat, so they look like chalk on a blackboard. The pointer is dressed up like an A+ graded paper. The middle finger has the teacher's apple and the pinking is a dinky ruler! I enjoyed painting these nails no end. I probably had 30 bottles of nail polish out trying to work my best magic on these. The matte top coat was tricky since the first one I used didn't like the black or white polish and caused streaks. The nails aren't perfect, but I'm not a machine and as I've said before, I've got nothing to prove!

There were tons of things I could have done today, but I chose not to do them. I'll be off over the next two days making sure school gets off to a great start. Plus, I have the doctor on Tuesday. With my promotion to 'Once every 6 months' appointments, I'm glad to have had a long break from seeing him, but I'm always afraid of what I might hear. After all, the sole purpose for seeing me is to make sure there isn't any cancer hiding anywhere inside of me. I love my doctor. He really is great, but I'm always nervous before going in to his office. I'm sure this time will be no different. I gave it all to God a long time ago. I just have to get better at leaving it there.

Well, there isn't much else to say about the day. It was quiet, as usual. Family members play their games and so I get lonesome sometimes, but I play lots of solitaire and there is always something to do, music to listen to and songs to sing. So, until day 45, I bid you sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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