Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 24

Back to the normal routine, is how I would describe today. I awoke this morning at 6am, mainly because I had set an alarm on my cell phone to wake me up while I was away and forgot to disengage it.  Oops! So, I was awake whether I wanted to be or not. The morning was mainly about watching the boys groom the yard, which they did, beautifully. I took some video of how we've updated the front seating area and added a place to eat comfortably. It is really working well. Also, I was lucky enough to capture some video of a hummingbird taking advantage of the Compact Spicy Jatropha plant (Jatropha integerrima 'Compacta') and the special feeder put up just for them.  Enjoy the video!


The day is hot (at 4:48pm it is 99F degrees), but lovely on the front porch. I'm eating well and on plan with My Fit Foods in the fridge. Day 60 is when I will try on my black dress and see if I made it to my first goal point. I'm really tempted to go in and try the dress on now, but then I think it will either disappoint me or make me cocky. I'd hate to start thinking I can reach my goals in half the time because it will be sad when I don't make my benchmarks. So, I will wait for the right time, keep walking and eating as right as possible. Just remember, I'm not a machine! (That's what I tell myself when my nail art looks less than perfect!)

I sent away today for the packet of information that allows me, as a parent, to provide my child with driver training in the State of Texas. Apparently, this much harder than it used to be. My son will be 15 on his next birthday and it's time to start learning to be a safe Texas driver. Is there such a thing? Not in this town! People here drive CRAZY. Don't believe me? Hop on over to YouTube to my channel (you can search for Nancy Hemati) and watch any of my 'Commute' videos.  You'll see what I mean!

It's been a lovely day off of work and now it's time to do laundry and get ready for the rest of the week. Go look for someone like My Fit Foods ( in your area. They are wonderful and have really changed my life and how I think about food.  Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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