Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 31

Clothes are falling off me! Okay, maybe not to the floor, but I had to yank my skirt up all day. Excuse me while I dance and giggle...thanks, I needed to do that. My Fit Foods works; in so many ways, it works. As you recall, I'm using how I feel, look in the mirror and how my clothes fit to tell me how I'm doing. Today, I know I'm doing GREAT!

I've found myself doing some extra thinking about food the last few days. I'm not sure why, but I'm keeping myself busy with life and etc. to help divert my thinking. It would be nice to not have this food problem, but at least I'm so satisfied I'm not giving in to it. Also, I know I can have a cheat meal if I want it. I just don't want it. The experience of having your skirt falling down because your hips are smaller is worth not having the taste of a hamburger! Like I've said before and will say again, "Nothing tastes better than losing this weight feels."

So, I may be lying a little when I say I don't know why I've been thinking about food. I've been struggling with breakfast. I got kind of tired real quick with the MFF breakfasts. I don't like their eggs, really and also, I don't really want eggs every day. So, I've had to think a little more about breakfast and thinking about, watching, handling, or doing anything with food MAKES ME WANT TO EAT!! I know I should cut it out, but I have to solve problem, so that just means that I have to get this solved quickly so I don't have to think about it any more.

We have two weeks left until school starts. That means we're putting the finishing touches on our son's room and new workspace. It is really looking great! As soon as the new bedding comes in and the room is fully dressed I'll do a collage. He has a newly painted closet with new closet system just like his mom. After a little rest, dad will be next! I'll get this family organized and clutter free or die doing it!

It's getting late and I need to walk. Did you hear that? I NEED to walk. That's right I really do. So, see you tomorrow when another of the days will be done. Until then, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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