Monday, September 2, 2013

Days 51 and 52

Warning: When I travel I probably won't blog, which means we will be experiencing "Day Backup" on a regular basis. Thanks! I just like to get the warning and stuff out of the way first. I took a quick trip to Dallas to visit my sister yesterday, hence the "Day Backup" we have just had. A "Day Backup" will cause me to have more than one day's blog information contained within one actual blog. I know, I know...I don't really have to explain this, but I've gotten into it now!

Yes, in case you were wondering, the trip to Dallas was a last-minute affair. I had this long weekend and thought, "Gee...I could go play with Gena for a day and have GREAT fun!" Being my sister of great importance and excellence, I always have fun with her. She is my best-girfriend, after all. I know it has nothing to do with my trip, but here is the opening theme and skyline clip from the 2012 Dallas series shown on TNT. Why? Because I love my beautiful hometown, Dallas and so do you! Don't shake your head, you know you do! Watch, listen and wish you were from Dallas!
The day we enjoyed together (Sunday, September 1) was great! We started as we always do, with coffee (for her) and tea (for me) and a hot breakfast sandwich at the Starbucks located on the corner of Gaston and Bryan Avenues in Dallas, Texas. Generally, we're there by 9am on the morning I arrive and we stay until as get too hot to be outside. We eat, drink, watch people and ambulances (the Starbucks is near Baylor Hospital) and admire the contrasts that exist in the urban landscape that is Dallas. After that it is generally anyone's guess where we'll go and what we'll do. We may have a pedicure, go shopping (not my favorite, but okay), eat some lunch, etc.  Twice a year we go to all the family graves in the area (we were raised in Dallas) and put flowers out, tidy up everything and talk to the to speak. Lately, we talk about them to each other and just wonder...if you met our family, you'd understand.

I learned a valid Nancy lesson during this trip. I made it a point to prepare myself for my day with Gena so that we could enjoy a meal at a restaurant. I ate very frugally on day 50 and made my largest meal my lunch with her on Sunday, day 51. Now, here's the lesson: Just because I ate skimpy and didn't over do it the day before and the rest of that day, doesn't mean my stomach can handle a regular sized meal any longer. Although I didn't go overboard on the food choice, I did go a bit overboard on the portion size. (Surprised?) So, my lunch of Wedge Salad, Steak and Corn just about did me in. I was so full it hurt and I DID NOT LIKE THE FEELING AT ALL! Well, Hallelujah!! Can we all just take a moment and hear this? Nancy DID NOT like how she felt after eating too much food. This is truly a breakthrough! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the food, it was just really too much for me. I wish I could have had a plate with 1/4 of the meat, 1/2 the salad and a couple of spoons of corn. It would be nice, but restaurants don't make it work that way. What a neat concept though; select your item and the portion size. Next time I'm there, we're going to eat sushi.  She promised!

Anyway, the trip was over this morning by 8:15am as I was back home by then (left Dallas at 5am...I love driving and I especially love it at night). I've had the rest of the day at home just doing what I love here. This is good for me, since work is heating up (also good) and should keep me extra busy for the rest of the year. I find the busier I am, either with work or play, the better off I am. Less time to think about problems. (And yes, I have a few of those to resolve.)

The end of Day 52 means that there are 8 more days, just over a week before new picture will be made.  The outfit I have to get into is my black dress. I'm nervous about what the results will be, but I am what I am and it will either be a day of celebration or one of encouragement to continue the good fight. I'm hoping for celebration, myself!

I wanted to take a moment to thank God for getting me to Dallas and home again in good shape. He always knows what's best for me and even when I mess up (which is frequently...okay, all the time, but who's counting!) He is not above pulling my ASS out of difficulty. I'm not perfect (filthy mouthed and unclean brained that I am) and not a saint, but still I know from where all blessings flow. Thank you, God for loving me beyond my massive faults and for watching my back.

After an uneventful trip, we find that the vehicle I took to Dallas, now has a window in the down position and no working motor with which to bring it back up again. I DIDN'T DO IT!! It worked perfectly fine for me while I was away and was safely put in the up position when I got home. No, this time my husband has the distinction for having been the one who did this (yes, I've done this before on other cars...power windows and unpowered windows). Usually, if there is something to go wrong with a vehicle I'm the one it happens to. You might ask, "Why is this, Nancy?" And I can tell you! It is because I'm always the one driving! Unfortunately, I've also run out of gas several times! Not pleasant in my house when I do that. I've also locked the keys in the car with the car running and me standing on the outside in the rain before, too. Yes, it is an interesting life, isn't it!

So, I've rambled on and on about life and its silliness and all you want to do is FLEE! So, have a lovely rest of the day and until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!

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