Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 62

What an interesting Thursday! It was the 30th anniversary of the opening of my office. The theme of the day was the 80's. Everyone, or just about everyone, did something to remind us of what it was like when the office opened. We had a lovely catered lunch and there were toasts with non-alcholoic sparkling wine. As a part of the leadership team, I had an opportunity to give my toast, which was as follows:

Lift your glass to the [can't name my company here...sorry] office and it's wonderful people! May your competitors respect you. Trouble neglect you. The angels protect you and heaven accept you. Cheers!!

My outfit for the day was black leggings with a short black skirt over that and lots of layered tops with lots of lace. I had one black lace glove with the fingers cut out, hair in a Madonna-esk side ponytail and the brightest neon colored makeup I could produce. I did an electric blue cut-crease with lids of neon yellow, orange and pink and lower lash line of neon purple and green and bright fuchsia lips. My eye makeup was radical, man! I love funky makeup and it as great fun to do makeup like that for the day. I don't go out much at night and this was really an 80's nightlife look, but I couldn't for the life of me remember how I dressed in the 80's. Jeans and tops with sneakers mostly, I think. I guess I'm just timeless! Or is that just plain boring? Whatever it is, I'm that!

Two days into the second goal segment and I'm starting to feel like I need a change. Really what I think is going on is I need more time outside. It is so hot that I really have a hard time finding it possible to get out and exercise out there. I can enjoy the little deck and sip beverages, listen to music and read, but I want to explore away from the deck and it's just too hot. Please send cold weather soon!!
#BurningUp    #SickofSummer     #GetMeOutOfHere 
Really, I wish I could explain what I really need in this blog, but I need some secrets in this life! Speaking of secrets, did you know that a desire to be open and above board can get you into trouble? Well, it can! Who knew!! That's all I'll say about that. Just know that I'm notorious for causing my own problems. That's right! If trouble doesn't exist, Nancy can sure make some up for herself!!

So, yesterday was the anniversary of one of the most horrific days of my life. I kept myself focused on the day's tasks, but I couldn't help but think back on September 11, 2001 and remember how much my life changed personally because of the lily-livered, spineless acts of people who were just like me, only in the fact that they were human beings. How could someone become so angry and unloving that they could take the lives of innocent people like they did? Where does that kind of hate come from? My feelings can become hurt and I may distance myself from people because it just isn't good for me to be around them, but I would never harbor hatred for someone like this. These people who changed my life so much that day want me to believe that their god made them do it; demanded it of them? What?!? My God is the creator and protector of all creation. Their made up god, standing on tip toe, on the highest peak on this earth is still too low to touch the hem of the garment of the creator, grantor and protector of all life. I know my God would NEVER tell me to do such a thing. But we don't all follow the same guiding lights. I'm no saint, but I have a still small voice called "Conscience" and what it says is, "Life is precious." That means ALL life, not just mine but everyone's. So, please enjoy life and never forget that there are people who will want to deprive you of it in many different ways. They may seek to end your very existence, but they may also desire a life of misery for you. For me, I wish only a life of joy for you and all people. God loves people more than anything and so do I. So, until tomorrow when I let go about something else in life, sweet dreams, Sweeties!
Nancy, remembering 9/11 on 9/11/13.

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