Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 59

This is the last day of the first goal segment (60 days long). As you may recall, there are 6 goal segments of 60 days each (well, segment 1 is 60 days and all the others are 61) which takes us from 1-365 days. The personal renovation I'm doing won't be completed in 365 days (most likely) but we'll be well on our way to success in a year. I'll set additional goals once I get closer to the 365th day. The first goal segment is dedicated to getting me into my little black dress (I say little with my tongue in my cheek, as it is anything but little). It is the largest sized clothing item in my closet that is at least 2 sizes smaller than what I was wearing, that I'd like to be able to wear for awhile. So, the goal is to be able to fit into a successively smaller outfit of clothing that I already own until I am unable to wear any of the items because they are too big! I am NOT a clothes hound, so these are items that are either somewhat classic in nature or have simply been held in order to demonstrate weight loss. So, when the dress is no longer flattering because it is too big, it will be donated and leave the closet forever, opening up space for something new. This is something else you may not know about me: I do not allow myself to have more items of clothing than will fit comfortably into my closet or dresser. This goes for shoes, purses and accessories, too. I have a finite number of hangers and when those are full, that's it! No more clothing items can come into the closet. And yes, I know exactly how many hangers there are!! (My sister can't stand that I do this, but this is how I like it, so she understands.) So, when I get home from work, I'll put on the outfit that I had picture taken in originally and my husband will take pictures. Then, I'll put on the dress and he'll take pictures of me in that. If I have been successful and the dress actually can be worn out, I will take myself out to have sushi! I guess I'm saying all this to get you ready for tomorrow when you'll be overwhelmed with pictures! I'm really looking forward to the event of putting on these clothes. You see, I'm not weighing myself, so this is how I know I'm actually losing the weight; current clothes are loose and clothes I haven't been able to wear will fit! Yes, I'm very excited!

Although I have lost weight before, this is the first time I'm truly enjoying myself while I do it. The last time I was very successful, but it was HARD, because I made it so and I didn't learn to enjoy the experience. Now just because I want to enjoy the experience, that does not mean I EVER want to do this again. I DO NOT ever want to have to go through this again. My filtering question will have to change as I move along, but I suppose I'll always have to ask myself if my food choice, intake and level of activity is right for the lifestyle I wish to lead. For so long I made food more important than anything else. That was wrong of me and now I put my life experience above anything else. There is so much I want to do and I need health and fitness before being able to have those quality experiences.

So, this being the last night of goal segment 1, I bid the 60 days of learning and losing, farewell! Time passes at a fast pace for me these days. For today, it has been great and now it's time for me to walk and enjoy my personal time to think and enjoy some sweat! Until day 60 and a view of how I'm doing, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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