Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 70

Wow! 70 days along which means I have 295 days to get my major renovation as complete as possible. Between you, me and the fence post, I think I'll be needing more time, but I have my goals and I'm sticking to them. No matter what happens, I'm in for the whole fight and this is a fight. I battle myself every single day. For instance today. I took a day off so that I could meet 1-on-1 with each of our son's teachers. This meant that I had extra time on my hands for doing things like surfing the web between meetings. I ordered a new bag for my computer and a graphing calculator for our son and etc. I had fun! While surfing I noticed that an IMAX theater near my home began showing a remastered 3D version of the Wizard of Oz (one of my favorite movies of all times) today and that it would only be in the theatre for a week. So, I decided to take myself to the movies tonight! My family doesn't like this kind of thing, so I took myself. I no more get inside the theatre entrance that I don't start thinking, "What harm could a little popcorn do?" Really??? I immediately invoked the filtering question and I was able to pass along from the lobby to my seat. As the movie finished (it was great!!  Spoiler Alert:  The wicked witches East and West don't fare well! :)) I get to my car and think, "How about a light supper?" Okay, there are all kinds of restaurants and fast food places. I had to convince myself that the small cup of Hot and Sour soup would be better than a hamburger.  Really squared????  I know all of this, yet I had to have almost a physical fight with myself over it. What the heck is wrong with me???  Don't answer that. I'm afraid to know.

So, besides the meetings and constant battles with my stupid self it was a fun day. I ordered a new bag and such, listened to music, watched videos, laughed with my son and did what I do best in life: encouraged people. It was fun watching the people at the movie theatre as well. I realized that I hadn't been to the actual movie theatre in a number of years. They've changed a lot! I'll have to take myself to the movies more often! I saw lots of kids, families and of course the couples. When I exited the theatre into the lobby there was a particular couple that caught my eye and made me smile all the way to my car. The young man was about 20 and the girl was maybe a little younger. He was starched and pressed in his best jeans and cowboy shirt and had a tight hold on her little hand and was guiding her out of that theatre just as quickly as he could. I'm sure they have serious necking to do tonight! :) Ah, young love! I actually do remember what that was like. Do you think that if I wear ruby slippers, close my eyes, click my heals together three times and say, "There's nothing like young love!" that I can go back and have young love again??  No??? Okay... :(

Well, that was day 70! Fun and a movie with singing, dancing and a little fear of Lions, Tigers and Bears! OH MY! :)  Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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