Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 67

Wow! That was a great September 17th. Our son turned 15 and I'm feeling blessed. I had a treat for supper, but successfully skipped the birthday cake by purchasing only 2 slices of his favorite cake from Whole Foods (1 each for dad and son). This made it possible for me to select an 'appropriate' treat for myself and feel good about having something special. So, here is what I did. While at the Whole Foods, I selected a couple of cheeses that sounded good and purchased just a couple of ounces each. Then, I selected a few items from the olive bar and made myself an anti-pasta plate (there was actually enough for two plates) and they had a boiled shrimp cocktail that looked awesome, so I got that. I had some of the shrimp, olives, peppers, roasted garlic, a quarter of an artichoke heart, onions and cheese for my supper and enjoyed it very much. I didn't miss the cake and oh, by the way, the cake still exists and I can have some when I've learned how to have only a bite and be happy. Since I'm not there yet, it's best to not indulge.

one of the things that I haven't done is take pictures of myself 'scantily' clad. I've avoided this, but I really think I need to do it so that I can really have something that will make me put the breaks on when tempted to overeat or indulge inappropriately. I saw a picture on YouTube of a girl that I thought was really a good idea. She put on a bikini (clearly not something I've got around here) and had someone take a picture of her from side view, with her back against a wall and with her hands up in the air. The photo was from about the chin to her mid-thigh. The before and after phones were very telling indeed. That's next for me. I will be having my husband take such a picture of me (in skivvies, of course) this weekend and it will surely make me stop dead in my tracks should I suddenly think I can have cake. :) Then, I'll take an update picture on the next 5 benchmarks. You, of course, will NEVER see these photos. Just be thankful!

I've begun the teacher meetings officially to see if we can help our son improve on school work. He is in virtual high school (it's public school, but he takes all his courses from his computer in his bedroom...he loves it!) and there are technology challenges along with the normal challenges of school for a 15 year-old. He's a great person, so I know he'll be fine, but I'm not one to just let things happen. I believe it will be better if I'm involved and the teachers hopefully don't mind all my questions. We had a conversation this evening with the Biology teacher and she gave advice that I had already given to my son, so that was really good. The rest of the meetings are all on Friday, which mean's I'm taking the day off!

It's time again for me to walk. I wouldn't miss that for the world! I'll be listening to the Come Away With Me album (first album) by Nora Jones.  Love her! Check her out on iTunes and take a walk. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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