Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 76

Good evening world! Nancy here with her daily take on life as she renovates herself. First, let me say that it really stinks when you've worked extra hard to take care of your nails and grow them long and then you break one. For me, that means they all have to go. So, here is what they have looked like up to today:
Yep, these are my own nails and as you can probably tell, the art is homemade. I am hard on nails, but I've been babying these for the past 6 weeks and I was so proud of them, until today. Actually, it all started last night. I made a stupid move and shoved my hand into the brace that I wear on my left knee when I walk on the treadmill, to remove it last night and bent my middle finger nail on my right hand, back. It seemed to have taken the hit, but I knew it was weak.  I put another layer of topcoat and hoped for the best. This morning, as I was getting out of my car at the office, I jammed that same nail into the side of my computer backpack and successfully broke the nail WAY down into the quick. I did this so well that it started bleeding like mad. Now, if you know me, you know that I have a thing...okay problem, with seeing blood. Long story short (too late, Nancy) the nails are going to have to go and the middle finger nail of my right hand will probably have to wear a bandage to protect it while the break grows out. Here is what the nail looks like at the moment:
It may be hard to see, but that crack down into the quick is the break (I cleaned up the blood for you, thank you!) oh, and the chip in the nail art on the corner was thanks to my computer bag, as well. So, the long and short of it (sorry...pun intended!) is the long nails will now become short nails. I'll do a picture of the design when I get over the trimming event. Since nail real estate is quite tiny on my nails when they are short, it is likely to be a rather plain design. Nails are one of my creative outlets. My family doesn't like them, but I do, so although I don't like disappointing people, I paint my nails. I have to.

The day was a good one for my plan. I didn't have to invoke the filtering question about eating or exercising today! I judge good vs. bad days by how many times I have to ask myself the question. The more I have to ask the worse the day is. My sister told me a story today about how she's been dealing with herself in this regard. She said that her husband had a bag of mini Butterfinger candies in the house. She was coming up on her day off and would be alone in the house with that candy while her husband was at work. So, she told him the night before, "When you leave early tomorrow morning for work, please take that bag of candy with you. If you don't, I will be at least tempted to eat every one of them!" When she woke up the next morning, there on his pillow was a single Butterfinger mini candy with a note that said, "Surely you can have one!" She took care of business that day, looked up the calorie count of the candy piece (about 35 calories) and happily turned it into 2 bites and enjoyed every bit of it! That is the way to do it!  Know yourself and find solutions to your particular problem and then enjoy life properly. She got to have her candy and still be right where she wants to be. Bravo, Sister!!

Me? Since I'm my sister's sister, I have similar problems. I tell myself I can eat food that isn't right or good for me in amounts that are outrageous. Why? I don't know, but that's my problem. But I know how to approach my problem and keep myself focused on solutions that work. If you are new to the blog try searching for 'filtering question' to learn what I do. Just keep things simple.

I'm waving good-bye to day 76 of this renovation and I'm feeling really good about the progress. I wish I were already done, but I know I'll get there and when I do, it will be a true personal accomplishment. Since I'm a dreamer, I often dream about what it will be like when I believe I've done the hard work and can say to myself, "I'm right where I want to be." The best thing will be that, from that moment on, anyone new that I meet, will never even have to know that I've been on this journey. It will be our little secret! Thanks for reading the ramblings of a frustrated writer and woman who just wants to be the best Nancy there is for the people who love her. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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