Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 75

This week is going by quickly, as usual. I'm focused on getting our son working well in his new virtual school. Honestly, he's doing just fine, I simply want to make sure he is the happiest son in the whole wide world. He is already the best one! Work is good and today I even took a little break and had a 15 minute walk in the sunshine at about 11am. It was getting hot, but I didn't care. It is just so nice to enjoy even a little snippet of the day. I love being outside.

I was extra hungry for meals today, but I stuck to my plan. I had a larger breakfast, but I didn't go overboard. It would be SO easy for me to do that. I'll walk on the treadmill in a little while and that will make me feel like I really completed the day. I know it doesn't sound right, but I really like to take that walk and I miss it when something keeps me from it.

When I got home from work today I found I had a new desk! Yippie!!! The old desk was going to be the death of me...or at least my knees. I would crack my knee (usually my bad one) regularly on the old metal desk that we'd had for over 30 years. The last time I did that, which was earlier this week, I actually saw stars. It hurt so bad I had to excuse myself from the room and cry. Well, someone went to Sam's last night and bought me a new desk (contemporary design...nice) and today while I was at work he put it together for me and set it all up! I was so surprised and so happy to see it. NO MORE KNEE CRACKING!!  Ahhhhh....Here's the new desk!
Look Ma! No knee cracking surfaces!!
So that's it for today! I've worked, loved the day and the people in it and I have a new desk that will no longer make me hurt. For what more could I possibly ask?!? Well...I hate to be a greedy Gertrude, but there are a few things on my personal 'wish' list. (**wink, wink**) I'll keep all that to myself. Don't want to risk TMI happening! Until tomorrow, sweet dreams, Sweeties!!

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