Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 315

Day 315 just also happens to be my birthday! Woo Who or Hoo or however you say that!! I love birthdays because when I have one it means I'm still here loving the people I love and doing the things I want to do. Of course, as time goes by, I'm not exactly loving what my body is doing, but hey, we all have our crosses to bear.

As it is my birthday, I will have some cake and such today, so I won't be counting the calories, except to note that I'm not really paying any attention to them today. For lunch I'll eat leftovers from last night's meatloaf (it was a huge HIT) and have something I really love for supper, Khoresh-e bamieh (Persian Okra Stew) with Rice. I'm not a huge rice fan, but Persian rice, now that's another story altogether. I've learned to prepare Persian food over the past 33 years and have come to enjoy most all of it. Yes, I'm cooking my own birthday supper. I like eating out (okay...that was me being nice...I don't really like eating out all that much), but honestly, restaurants serve too much food and I never get exactly what I want. You frequently have to wait to eat and really, the food isn't all it's cracked up to be. So, yes I prefer to eat my own cooking. I love to cook (Really? We'd have never known! **smile**).

More wildlife was captured today. Here is my little video of the scene this morning from the deck:
This is the best birthday ever! I say that every year, because it's just wonderful being alive. No, things don't always go my way and yes, I'd love to be thinner, wealthier, smarter, prettier, sexier, lovelier, etc., etc., etc,... But...I'm not! I'm just me. Exactly what God created with just a hint of nonsense thrown in, by yours truly, for good measure! Thanks for stopping by and checking up on me. I'll be back tomorrow without birthday cake. Until then, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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