Friday, July 11, 2014

Life Interests

Put a magnifying glass to your life and I'm certain you'll identify lots of interests coming and going, in and out of focus. I'm no different! But with that scrutiny, I'll bet you find some things that are life-long interests that without them in your life you, wouldn't be you.

Being able to write this blog posting is the fulfillment of a life-long interest for me. I don't consider myself a great writer, but rather a compelled one who would simply not be the person she is without the opportunity to write. I know that I was put on this earth for many reasons. One of those reasons is my son. Step back from that and it means I was put here to be the wife of the man who is his father. Step back from that and I had to be the daughter of my parents and so on and so on. It all has purpose. Life, has purpose! Sometimes I wonder why I had to have the upbringing that I experienced. Why, indeed!?! But then I remember, reason and purpose. I couldn't be the person I am without it or fulfill my purpose, either.

Another of my life-long interests is photography. No, I never took a lesson or studied it or am even particularly good at (notice the photo to the right...the leaves are in focus, but the flower, not so much) it by the standards of 'professional' photographers, but I love it. I love taking pictures of what I like, looking at them, conjuring up the memories associated with them and more. I probably know more about photography than I give myself credit for, but it doesn't matter. Taking pictures and sharing them in this and other blogs, makes me happy and is interesting to me.

Food is another of my life interests. Interestingly, it brings together many of my interests into one place. I can write about food, take pictures of food, share my food with others, be creative, learn about food and eat great food! Wow!! Food is important for life, but it is very important TO my life as I associate myself very directly with it. I have a habit of saying how the things of life (i.e. my car, my home, my clothes, my office space and etc.) don't define me. However, I would definitely use 'good home cook' as part of my personal self-definition. I wish I were a better one and am always looking to improve.

The list could go on and on! I'm thankful to God (whom I believe in and know I am saved by His grace through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ) for my life and for the ability to think, love and enjoy the life he has given me, regardless of the circumstances. Certainly I'm a poor example of God's creation, but I am not perfect, just forgiven.

What are your life interests? What do you believe is the reason for your being here? Oh, yes, I'm interested. See, that's another of my life-long interests: Other People! God loves people more than anything and so do I! Until tomorrow, when I'll fulfill more of my life interests by writing another blog posting and maybe posting a picture of my world or two, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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