Sunday, July 20, 2014

It's Sunday!

Sunday is my most favorite day of the week. Why, I hear you asking? Because I do not leave my home on Sunday if I absolutely don't have to. Yes, it is completely possible to worship from home! Thanks for asking! Until recently, I haven't had the opportunity to really enjoy my home, because I was away from it working so much. It's better today, since I work 3 days a week from here, but Sunday is the day where I get to do anything I want. Laundry is one thing that usually goes on in the background, but even that is changing up a bit!

Today, I'm cooking! If you read my other blog where I'm documenting my weight loss journey, then you know that food is a challenge for me, but just because something is a challenge doesn't mean it should be avoided. Oh, NO!! I embrace food. I love everything about food and I'm good at working with it. Some of my best creativity comes when I'm around food.  On this Sunday, I'm cooking two Crock Pot dishes: Pork Sirloin Roast (fresh ham) and Double Garlic, Ginger, Chili & Lime Chicken (now, that's a mouthful!).
Check out the recipe section for how to make this deliciously simple roast!
Check out the recipe section to see how to make this simple dish!
One thing I did yesterday was make no-churn ice cream. There are about a thousand recipes on YouTube for this and I've tried a couple. The best recipe I found was by Noreen of Noreen's Kitchen. She makes a Strawberry Cheesecake No-Churn Ice Cream that looked so divine I just had to make some. Be sure to check out Noreen's Kitchen on YouTube and look for this recipe. She has lots of great dishes and she shares lots of content each week. I'd link to her, but she has rules about that and I don't want to get it wrong or get on her bad side! Just go find her and try her recipes. Here is what my ice cream looks like:
This is really, REALLY delicious!  Go find the recipe on YouTube on the Noreen's Kitchen channel!!
The container I used for the ice cream is a 64 oz. or 8 cup Glad container and the recipe filled this, plus a half-filled 3 cup Glad container, as well. So, the recipe makes more than a half gallon. When it is frozen it will be hard, but use a sturdy scoop and you'll have no trouble getting it to your bowl! We are now working on our own variations of flavors for this. I'm sure all of the summer fruit will be making an appearance in this ice cream mix at my house! Yes, if you read my other blogs you'll know that I'm trying to get my weight down. That doesn't mean I can't make ice cream and even have a spoonful if I want it, but no, I'll not be eating a lot of this. As Noreen says, "This is a 'sometimes' food!" For me, it may have to be an almost never food!! But I still loved making it!!

So, that's it for today! I'm cooking, writing and just doing what I love. Until later when I'll bring you more from the world around me, Godspeed, Voyagers!!

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